Say Hello, Kiss Goodbye - Jacquelyn Middleton Page 0,134

permission to speak. “Leia, I know moving will be a right ol’ nightmare, but I promise, I’ll be here for you. Emotionally, financially, professionally—anything you need, just ask. You can even move in with me, if you’d like. Save yourself from Sarah’s sofa.”

And Jordan’s snoring. “Tarquin, that’s really kind, but it’s a bit…”

“Fast? Too soon, right?”

She nodded. “I was thinking I’d rent somewhere.”

“That works, too. If you want suggestions…”

“I’d love some. Thanks. I’ll still have to fly home on December 1st, though. I’ll need to tie up some loose ends, pack some more clothes. Oh, and I have this visit planned with a vegan leather factory, to make sure it’s completely eco-friendly.”

“You’ve got so much going on. Can’t you take their word for it?” asked Tarquin.

She shook her head. “I’m using the leather for the skirt portion of several dresses in my New York Fashion Week show. If I don’t do my due diligence and the material is unsustainable, I can wave goodbye to all credibility. I can’t risk it.”

“Yeah, that makes sense.” He toyed with his plate. “While we’re talking obligations, I have one: I’m flying to Orkney tomorrow morning.”

Nooo! I just get him back and he’s leaving already? Leia fought the urge to bang her forehead on the table. “Oh, lucky!”

“The timing is naff as fuck. I’d much rather take you back to mine, get reacquainted.” He licked his lips, his gaze dimming. “But I have to head back to the office after this, finish a few things. It’ll probably be an all-nighter.”

And not the type I had in mind. Dammit! I guess our reunion will have to wait. “How long will you be on Orkney?”

“A fortnight.”

Two weeks?! Leia forced a smile. “Quality time with your family, right?”

“Yeah, though I’d prefer quality time with you! I’m supposed to help Rupert with repairs on an old croft, but I can’t do any heavy lifting until I receive clearance from my doctor.”

Leia’s eyes clouded with concern. “For what?”

“Oh, it’s stupid. I dislocated my elbow five weeks ago. I crashed my skateboard doing a gazelle flip.” He grimaced. “Drunk.”

“You’re kidding?!”

“And before you ask, no, I don’t usually get blattered and hit up the skate park. It was a one-off.”

Let’s hope so. “Are you okay now?”

“Yeah. My range of motion is still dodgy, but it should return eventually with more physio. In the short term, I can’t climb or lift anything heavy. I’d postpone my trip, but baby Poppy is being baptized and Ava’s counting down the days to seeing me.”

“Aw, what a sweetie.”

Tarquin swallowed another sip and licked his lips, his smile growing naughty, beckoning like he was about to throw down a dare. “So, here’s an idea. When your meetings are done next week, why don’t you fly up? I’ll sort the tickets and you could stay with me, see the sights…come to the baptism.”

Of fire?! Is that his idea of taking it slow? Leia eased into a tentative smile. “Really? Won’t I be intruding on an intimate family gathering?”

“I don’t think intimate is what they’re going for. Rupert and Fiona booked St. Magnus Cathedral. It’s this massive 12th-century Norse church in Kirkwall, imposing as fuck but incredibly beautiful. Dad will be there, Mum maybe, plus Nick and a bunch of relations and friends. Fiona is Orkney born and bred so her family are coming in from the other islands. I think seventy people are invited.”

I’m dying to be with him, and I’d love to see Orkney—but that’s a LOT of family all at once. Leia tucked her hair behind her ear. “Sounds great!” And slightly terrifying. She picked up her phone and tapped the calendar. “What day is the baptism?”

“Saturday, November 23. You know, I think Nick’s ex-wife is coming, too.”

“Nick was married? Does he have kids?”

“No! Nico hasn’t fathered any sprogs—at least none that we know of!” Tarquin chuckled as Leia put on a smile and set down her phone. “His marriage only lasted a few months, but his ex stays in touch with Fiona so…” He swirled the last of his coffee around his cup. “Ava likes her auntie, but I think she’ll turn inside out if she meets you! A real-life Canadian ice dancer!” He looked up sheepishly. “Don’t be surprised if she asks you to do twizzles with her. She doesn’t own skates, obviously, but tries to twizzle in her stocking feet.”

Oh no, has he told her about me? Leia blanched. I can’t bail and do a Cressida on her.

Tarquin did a double take and Copyright 2016 - 2024