Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,66

this, Gia. I made a deal to get you out of there.”

“You made a deal?” she repeats. “With who?”

“My father. The organisation. They were gonna cut Vinn loose,” I explain.

“I know all that,” she snaps. “What was the deal?”

“We’d marry in place of you and Ricardo.” She stares at me for what feels like forever, then she leaves the room. “Baby,” I shout after her. “Come on, talk about it.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


“I’m being ridiculous, I know I am,” I say.

“A little,” says Eva with a smile. “But we totally get it.”

“It should be my decision and he hasn’t even asked me. He just told me that I’m his. This isn’t prehistoric Britain. Cavemen don’t exist,” I say. “If he could drag me off to his cave, he would.”

Anna smirks. “I wish a caveman would drag me off to his cave.”

“You have a caveman,” says Eva. “He’s just a little lost right now.”

“Stop making excuses for him,” snaps Anna. “I think a man could march right in here and take me away from him and he wouldn’t bat an eyelid. In fact, he’d be relieved because I wouldn’t be his problem anymore.”

“Aww, Anna, you’re breaking my heart,” says Leia, sadly. “He loves you, I promise.”

“What’s the difference between Ricardo and Blu anyway?” Eva asks me thoughtfully.

“One was a psycho?” I ask.

“I mean, you agreed to marry Ricardo. He didn’t ask you, he didn’t even give you a ring. You’re all pissed at Blu, but at least he loves you.”

I let those words sink in. I know she’s right. I’m being a brat. “You’re right.”

“I know,” she says, grinning. “He saved your ass. You should be kissing the ground he walks on.”

“What about Hannah? He needs time to work through things with her,” I say and the girls groan aloud.

“Just marry him. The rest will sort itself out,” says Leia. She bends, placing her hands on her stomach. “Ouch. I keep getting pains, but that was quite bad,” she mutters.

“Like labour pains?” asks Anna.

“Maybe. They usually wear off. I’ve been having these all day.”

“Any news on Leia?” asks Raven. Chains has taken her to get those pains checked but Anna is convinced she’s in labour. I shake my head. “I know we shouldn’t, but I’m really worried about the woman in the cellar. Should I go and take her something to eat?”

“Frankie will have fed her. Riggs isn’t a monster,” I say.

“I just know how it feels to be her,” says Raven, sighing.

“You wanna go and see her?” I ask and Raven nods.

The woman is sleeping. Frankie gave her some fresh clothes and a blanket. As if she senses us here, she wakes and sits up. “Don’t worry, we just came to see if you’re okay?” I say. She nods.

“I’m Raven and this is Gia.”

“Charlotte,” she says.

“You been with the Cobra’s MC a long time?” I ask.

“A week,” she says. “I didn’t choose to be there. I didn’t have a choice at all,” she adds.

“Are you missing?” I ask, wondering if people are looking for her.

“No one’s looking, if that’s what you’re worried about. I came to London to find my brother. I heard he was in an MC. Cobra found me on the street. I ran out of money. He said he’d help me find my brother.”

“How old are you?” asks Raven.

“Eighteen. I’ve been in the care system. Turns out when you’re eighteen, they don’t wanna know. They gave me two-hundred pounds and a letter my birth mum left me.” She holds out a crumpled envelope and I take it, scanning the letter.

“I don’t know anyone by the name Conal,” I say. “But there’s an Irish biker here—Lake. Maybe he’ll know someone by that name. Let me go speak to him.” I head back to the main room, leaving Raven with Charlotte.

Lake is in the kitchen. “Any news?” he asks and I shake my head.

“Listen, Lake. Do you know anyone by the name Conal?”

“If you’ve come to take the piss, I’ve heard every Irish joke going. My mam chose the most Irish name she could find,” he says, grinning. “Did Blade send you in here?”

I stare for a second, my mouth open. “Erm, no. It was a serious question.”

“Then Conal Murphy at your service, ma’am,” he says, taking a bow.

“Oh,” I mumble. “You might wanna read this then.” I hand him the letter, watching carefully as he reads it. He looks up, his eyes wide.

“That club girl’s my sister?” he asks and I nod.

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