Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,56

Locke?” She nods and goes back to dialling Alice’s number. “Answer phone,” she says quietly.

“Leave a message,” says the cop.

“Hey, Alice. It’s me, Hannah. Are you okay? The police are here looking for you. Call me as soon as you get this,” she says.

“Could we talk to you outside?” asks one of the cops. She looks to me nervously and I realise if I don’t step in, she’ll fuck it all up.

“She’s with me,” I snap and they look at me. “We just had a fight, so if you don’t need anything else, I need to talk with her.”

“Actually, we’d like to speak to her alone,” says the cop firmly.

“Is that what you want, Hann?” I ask.

“I’ll go with her,” says Anna, taking Hannah by the hand and leading her after the cops. At least if they think I’m an asshole, they’ll assume that’s why she’s upset.

When the girls return, Riggs kisses Anna on the head. “Thanks for stepping in,” he whispers and she nods.

“We told them you’re an ass,” says Anna. “That you got a bit hands on and she’s shook up. They gave her their card in case she wants to report you,” she says.

“I don’t understand what’s happening,” cries Hannah and I wrap my arms around her.

“I’ll sort it, I promise. I’ll find Alice.”

Chapter Nineteen


There’s moments in your life when you wish your mum would have listened when you begged her for self-defence classes. I was eight at the time, but I desperately wanted to beat up a boy who was being mean to me at school. Mum said I didn’t need lessons, that I should just tell Vinn and he’d sort it. He did. I never asked, but he waited outside school one time and beat the crap out of poor Roger Green. I felt awful after. So awful that I spent the next few years trying to make it up to Roger. I went to every school disco with him. I would take him chocolate bars and let him share my lunch. When we were thirteen, I let him kiss me. It was awful, wet and sloppy and I hated it, but I wanted to make up for what Vinn did to him. At fourteen, I let him stare at my naked boobs because he said he’d never seen any before. He was the first boy to finger me. That was an awful experience too. After that, I told him we were even and stayed the hell away from him.

I look around the room. There’re a few women sitting in front of mirrors applying makeup. Alice and I were brought here, wherever here is, and I woke up in this room which looks like a changing room for dancers or actors. It has the same vibe only the women here don't look happy. We were told not to move from these stools and the other girls walk by us like we’re invisible. My head is thumping from whatever they used to knock me out. I feel like I’m suffering a huge hangover without any of the fun.

“What do you think’s gonna happen?” I whisper.

“No idea,” says Alice.

“How did they get you?” I ask.

“They caught me looking around,” she mutters. “My boss is gonna kill me.”

“Looking around?” I ask and she nods.

“A club not far from the docks. New bikers in town I guess, but they weren’t happy seeing a cop snooping around. My boss warned me to stay away,” she mutters.

“Where do you think they took Blu?” I ask.

“They didn’t take him,” she mutters. “They left him behind so he could tell the Kings they were in town.”

My mind races with hope. If he got away, then they’ll come and find us. Vinn will come. The door opens and the girls seem to scatter into the shadows. A man saunters through wearing a leather jacket similar to the ones the Kings wear only with a snake on the patch. Beside him is Ricardo, looking pristine in his designer suite. His jaw ticks when he sees me. “What the fuck have you done?” he growls at the biker.

“You said you wanted the girl, I got you the fuckin’ girl.”

“Why are there bruises on her neck?” yells Ric.

“She didn’t come quietly,” lies the biker. “My men said she kicked off.”

“She kicked off,” repeats Ric, amused. “So a girl caused a little fuss and your men decided to throttle her? Care to explain why she’s in a sheet?”

“I didn’t kick off,” I say quietly. I take a breath Copyright 2016 - 2024