Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,55

back out. Get to the hospital. As soon as you’ve spoken to him, call me. In the meantime, I’ll be searching London.” Vinn disconnects the call and I stare at Cree.

“Get Blade to sit at the hospital. We’d better find Vinn before he causes some damage,” I say.


“Fuck yeah.” It’s Blade’s voice I can hear somewhere in the room. He’s panting hard. “Harder,” he pants.

“Christ, you’d better not be wanking over me,” I mutter, opening one eye and spotting him in the far corner of the room with a nurse on her knees sucking his cock.

“Fuck, Blu. You could have stayed quiet for another minute. I was almost there,” he complains. He helps the nurse stand and he rubs his thumb over her lips. “Next time,” he grins, slapping her on the ass before tucking himself back in his jeans. “It took me all day to get her,” he says, narrowing his eyes at me.

“Nice to know you were so worried you sat by my bed waiting for me to wake up.”

“I was for a bit,” he says, sounding offended, “But then she came on shift and blew my mind.”

“Not the only thing she blew,” I mutter dryly and he laughs.

“What the fuck happened, brother? Riggs is waiting on my call,” says Blade.

“Five guys. I was on the phone when they came in. I didn’t hear a thing until the gun was at my head. I thought I could ambush them in the van, but they took the shot and drove out of there with Gia and Alice.”

“Alice?” he asks.

“Hannah’s girlfriend. She’s a cop.”

He puts the call into Riggs and relays it. I pull the monitors off by removing the sticky pads on my chest and make a grab for my jeans. Blade puts his hand up to halt me. “Riggs said don’t bother joining them. Vinn wants to kill you.”

I shake my head and continue to dress. “I’ll happily kill myself if anything’s happened to her. But right now, they need me alive.”

We meet back at the club in church. I lose count of the amount of brothers that pat me on the shoulder, causing me to almost pass out from pain. Hannah pushes her way into the room and grabs my arm. “Is it true that Alice was there?” she cries. I nod. “Why?” she demands and I shrug. She hits her fist against my chest. “Think!” she yells. Tiny comes behind her and gently wraps his arms around her waist, pulling her from the room despite her protests.

Vinn takes a seat opposite me. He keeps his eyes on me. “The one in charge said a new biker gang was in town,” I eventually say when everyone is quiet.

“Cobra’s?” asks Riggs and I nod.

“I don’t get it. Why take Gia?” asks Cree. “Or the cop?”

“Was Alice working on anything to do with Cobra?” asks Riggs and I shrug.

“She didn’t discuss work. Not with me. If she was, it would have been to get him for what he did to Hannah and Molly.”

“I’ve got every man, every street rat, every fucker that knows me, looking. They won’t get far,” says Vinn. “We’ve hit two bars we know they drink in. I’m trying to find Ricardo. He’s gone off radar.”

“You think he’s behind it?” asks Riggs.

“We spoke a few hours ago. He didn’t seem off in any way. As far as he knows, he’s still marrying Gia and things are good.”

“Could he have found out?” I ask.

“Not from me,” snaps Vinn. “If you’d have done your job properly, this wouldn’t have happened,” he adds.

“Where were your men?” I snap.

“Both dead outside the fuckin’ hotel room,” growls Vinn. “You wanna marry my sister? You find her before anything bad happens cos if I lose her, I’ll kill you.” He gets up and leaves the room.

“Riggs, cops,” says Tiny from the clubhouse doorway.

We all exchange a look. Vinn steps forward as the cops enter. “Evening, officers, what can we do for you?” he asks.

“We’re looking for Hannah Locke,” says the first officer. Hannah steps forward. “Have you heard anything from Alice Mason?” Hannah shakes her head. Her body language screams that she’s lying. “She didn’t show for her shift this evening. We’ve been to her home and she isn’t there.”

“I haven’t spoken to her since last night,” says Hannah, her voice shaking. “Do you want me to call her?” The officer nods and Hannah pulls out her phone. Her hands shake uncontrollably and the officers exchange a look. “Are you okay, Ms. Copyright 2016 - 2024