Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,36

yet and I get that, but it ain’t gonna stop me from putting it there just so the image is burnt to my brain. I need that image to keep me going.” I frown when he pushes something onto my ring finger and then gasp when he moves his hand away to reveal a square cut diamond set in white gold. “I know it can’t stay there, but I wanted you to see how serious I am. You’re mine, Gia. You’re not marrying Ricardo.”

I stare down at the beautiful ring. It’s exactly the sort of ring I’d have chosen for myself. “I listened to all those things you wanted. When I was meant to be watching over Eva at your office, I was taking mental notes of the things you want,” he explains.

“Blu, what are you doing?” I whisper. “This is crazy.”

“I know what I want and that's you. Until the time is right, I’ll keep hold of this,” he says, removing the ring. I feel the loss immediately. My finger suddenly looks bare. Then his lips press to mine and I’m so shocked by all of this that I don’t bother to push him away because for once, I listen to my body, and right now, it wants him.

His words from our previous dalliance break through the fog and I pull back, my eyes narrowing. “Did you think I’d forgotten? What was it you called me? A mafia princess?”

“I was pissed. I don’t take rejection well,” he says with a hopeful smile.

“And I don’t take fools easily. I am marrying Ric, no matter what you say. And even if I wasn’t, after the way you treated me, I’ll never marry you.”


“She’s going to save me,” I say, and I feel Blade’s eyes burning into the side of my head. “Sometimes someone comes into your life and you realise that everyone before them was nothing that you thought. It’s how I feel about her, brother. Everyone else pales in comparison. She’s gonna save me. Gianna, the woman who saved Blu.”

“You sound fuckin’ crazy,” mutters Blade, biting hard into a thick strawberry liquorice twist. In the quietness of the van, it rings out and I glare at him in annoyance. “Want one?” he asks, holding out a packet. I shake my head, rolling my eyes.

“I’m crazy in love.” I smirk.

“In the words of fuckin’ Beyoncé,” says Blade, shaking his head. “Fuck’s sake.”

“You should try it,” I say. “It feels good.”

“Aren’t you jumping ahead of yourself here? Ain’t she marrying that Ricardo fella?”

“Not if I have anything to do with it. We have to nail Cobra and then I can work on my plan to convince Vinn that I’m the man for his sister.”

“And if that fails?” he asks.

“I'll kidnap her,” I say and he laughs.

Gia’s mad. I get it. I was an ass when she rejected me before, but she’ll come around. She’ll have to because I’m not giving up on her even if I do have to kidnap her.

A torch light shines in the distance. “Here we go,” whispers Blade.

“Can you stop chewing the fuckin’ liquorice?” I hiss. “It’s distracting.”

“What did she say when your crazy ass gave her the ring?” he asks, taking another bite.

“She didn’t exactly gush with happiness, but she’s just gotta get used to the idea. She’s mad right now, but that’ll pass,” I say with confidence.

Blade laughs. “So she didn’t even accept your proposal?”

“It wasn’t a proper proposal. I was just letting her know my plans. Once this is all sorted with Cobra, I’ll go and see Vinn.”

“And what exactly have you got to offer Vinn Romano for his sister’s hand in marriage?” he asks. “And actually, the final decision will be down to Enzo, and I can’t see him allowing his precious princess to marry a biker.”

“I can offer them more than what Ricardo can,” I say with a knowing grin.

The torch light is getting closer. It stops outside an office. All the lights inside are off, but if Riggs’ intelligence is correct, Cobra is inside that office waiting for whoever this idiot with the torch is. A light flickers on and Blade holds the binoculars to his eyes. “Jesus fucking Christ,” he says. “Did you say Ricardo was in Italy?”

“Yeah. According to Gia.”

“Then he’s lying to her already because that’s him right there,” he says, handing me the binoculars.

“Are you sure?” asks Cree. “Why the fuck would Ricardo have anything going with Cobra?”

“Cos maybe that’s part of his plan,” I say and all Copyright 2016 - 2024