Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,35

dress. It’s backless, sleeveless, and the exact sort of thing I love.

“Don't you want to make more of a statement? This is your wedding day!”

“No. I want all eyes on anything but me,” I mutter. I hold up another picture and Eva shakes her head.

“You need to set the exact date or you’ll be lucky if you manage to get a dress.”

“Then I’ll wear one off the rack,” I say and Eva gasps.

“You can’t marry a mafia boss in a dress off the rack!”

“I hardly think Ricardo will notice. He hasn’t bothered to call me or even send a text. You’d think he would, just to say he’s happy I accepted,” I say.

“Have you called him?” asks Eva. I shake my head. “Then why are you complaining? It takes two to make it work, yah know.”

“Maybe that's just it, Eva. None of us could give a shit if it works or not. Perhaps he’s not invested in this idea either.”

“Call him, ask him straight. Marriage is serious. Doing it when neither of you want to, makes a mockery of it.” She doesn’t get it—people in my circle don’t marry for love.

I head over to the club after work with Eva on the promise that Blu isn’t there. She called Cree especially to check before I’d agree because the last person I want to see is him. It’s been a week since our kiss and I’ve not seen or heard from him. It seems to be a growing trend with the men in my life.

Malia greets me with a hug, and even Diesel, Leia’s dog, seems excited to see me. “Guess what,” says Malia.


“Me and Molly are bestest friends,” she states proudly and points over her shoulder to where Molly is sitting watching the large screen television.

I glance at Eva, who groans. “I forgot to tell you,” she whispers. “Molly and Hannah are staying at the club until everything is resolved.”

My eyes almost bug out of my head. “That’s very important information, Eva,” I hiss.

“I know,” she mutters with a grimace. “Sorry.”

“That’s exciting, Malia,” I say with a smile. “How’s Ziggy taking the news?”

“He got real mad and won’t speak to me,” says Malia, sighing. “But Mummy said he’s stubborn like his daddy and I should just ignore him.”

I laugh. “Sounds like some good advice.”

She fits her little hand in mine and pulls me towards the couch. “Read us a story. I have a new book about Princess Jasmine. I think she looks like you.”

I end up reading the story twice because Malia is too adorable to say no to. I have a kid on each side of me and eventually Ziggy gives in to his mood and also joins us. I miss being around these kids. At home, there are no kids.

“I’m Hannah,” says a polite voice. I look up into the gorgeous face of Blu’s ex and she’s stunning, the kind of woman you know gets out of bed looking good without a scrap of makeup. I can see what Blu saw in her, and I’m sure together, they look amazing.

“Gianna,” I say, smiling.

“I’ve heard some great things about you,” she says, taking a seat on the opposite couch.

I’d like to say the same about her, but I’ve heard nothing apart from the fact she’s pregnant. “Congratulations on the pregnancy,” I say.

“Thanks. Still early stages. Did Blu tell you?” she asks, and I nod. “Usually he doesn’t open up about his private business,” she says with a smile. She isn’t saying it in a bitchy way, more like she’s surprised.

“Gia’s special to me,” comes Blu’s voice and my heart threatens to beat out of my chest.

“Girls, let’s go and see what Frankie is cooking up for dinner,” says Hannah and the kids jump up to follow her. It bothers me that she seems so comfortable here. Blu sits next to me.

“No ring yet?” he asks, taking my hand and examining my ringless finger.

“I told you, Ric’s in Italy.”

“He should have rushed back to get that ring on your finger, stop someone else putting one there,” he mutters.

“Hannah’s here,” I say, changing the subject. I try to free my hand, but he keeps hold of it.

He nods. “In your old room. Handy to have them right next door,” he says, his eyes fixed on mine, no doubt looking for my reaction. “I’m working on a solution,” he adds. “One that pleases everyone, including Vinn.”

“What are you talking about?”

He puts his hand in his pocket. “You’re not ready to accept it Copyright 2016 - 2024