Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,32

my neck. Everything in me is begging for him to fuck me hard against this wall. I don’t give a crap who sees. And then, as his lips travel along my collar bone and his hands squeeze my ass, Ricardo pops into my mind. I place my hands on Blu’s chest and push against it. He doesn’t budge. He’s grinding against me as his hungry mouth hunts out fresh pieces of skin to attack.

“No,” I pant, but it comes out as a pathetic plea. I take a breath and this time hit my fists against him until he pulls back to look at me. “I said no.” He drops me like I’ve stabbed him and steps back, holding up his hands.

“Sorry. I thought it’s . . .” He pauses and looks at me with confusion in his eyes. “What we both wanted.”

“It is. I mean, it was. But I can’t. I shouldn’t have done that. I’m marrying—”

“Don’t say it,” he growls. “If I hear you say his name one more time, I’ll lose my shit.” He rubs his face hard and growls. “Christ,” he hisses, taking a few steps away from me. “Go on then,” he suddenly yells, causing me to jump. “Go fucking marry your mafia king. You can be his queen while he runs his fucking London empire,” he yells angrily.

“I’m sorry, I . . .” I begin but he narrows his eyes and the words die on my tongue.

“I don’t know what I was thinking. Me and you could never work,” he snaps. “I hate the mafia. I hate everything it stands for and I hate entitled mafia princesses even more. I must have been bewitched by that tight little cunt of yours,” he spits. “But there’s plenty of pussy around that’d jump at the chance to be my ol’ lady.”

I press my lips together in a tight line. He’s hurting, I get it, but who the fuck does he think he is. “And that right there,” I say calmly, “is the reason I’d never marry you. I am better. Not because I’m a mafia princess but because I respect myself enough to walk away from toxic bullshit like that!” I push past him to head back inside. “Your ego is bigger than your arrogant attitude.”

The girls all turn, smiling until they see my angry face. I grab my wine glass and drain it. “Oh shit,” mutters Leia, grabbing the bottle to top it back up. “Tell us everything.”


I put a call into Riggs. “Get someone else here, I’m leaving now.”

“What the fuck? You can’t just walk from a job.”

“I can. If I don’t, Vinn’s security is likely to put a bullet in me for taking their mafia princess. There’s four guys watching them from right outside the restaurant. They’ll be fine until you can get someone here.”

“Right, well, I guess I don’t have much choice, do I?” he snaps, and I disconnect the call and get on my bike.

The week drags. I throw myself into work. Riggs is swamped with runs from the docks, so it seems Vinn sorted out his little problem and we’re back in business. When I’m busy, things are better.

I’m lost in thought, unloading boxes of Christmas decorations from a shipping container, when someone coughs from beside me. I glance up and freeze, box in hand. “Alice,” I say.

“Busy?” she asks. She’s wearing a trouser suit, which means she’s here officially.

“Christmas stuff,” I say, holding up the box before adding it to the back of the van.

Tiny comes from the side of the container. “Man, I needed that piss so bad, it felt like razor blades. Is that normal?” He looks up and also freezes when he sees we have company.

Alice smirks. “No, I’d say it was probably some kind of infection. Until you get it sorted, it’d be wise to wrap that shit up or you’ll spread it around.”

“What can we do for you, officer?” I ask coldly.

“Just passing. Did you manage to give a statement?” she asks.

“You know full well I didn’t or you wouldn’t be here,” I say.

She smiles, but it’s cold. “What’s in the boxes?”

“I told you, Christmas decorations. We give them out to poor families every year, spread Christmas cheer and all that bullshit.”

She pokes her head into the back of the van, then eyes the shipping container. “Mind if I take a look?”

“Not at all,” I say stiffly. Tiny glances at me nervously. “How’s Molly and Hannah?”

I watch as she pulls out a pocket knife and Copyright 2016 - 2024