Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,31

whole time staring open-mouthed at me as I’ve relayed what Blu said earlier. “He’s giving his ex and her girlfriend the gift of a child?” she asks. I nod. It’s a nice thing, of course it is, but I’m jealous. It’s ridiculous that I can be jealous of his ex who is not at all in love with Blu anymore—at least I don’t think she is—when in reality, I’m only a one night stand to him.

“And we thought he had no heart,” says Leia with a hand to her chest, practically swooning.

“And then he told me to marry him. Runaway and marry him instead of Ricardo,” I add. A round of “aww” assaults my ears and my circle of girls have turned to mush.

“So why are you sitting here telling us? Shouldn’t you be on the motorway right about now heading for Gretna Green?” asks Anna.

“Firstly, I’m never getting married in Gretna Green. It’s where pregnant teenagers run off to get married in secret because they can’t afford Vegas. Secondly, I can’t marry Blu. I hardly know him.”

Anna laughs. “Sorry, I forgot you know Ric so well,” she says sarcastically.

“You knew Blu well enough to have sex with him,” Eva points out.

“You’re really gonna judge me with your history?” I snap. “I’m marrying Ric because Vinn chose him. I’m doing it for the family.”

“Blah fucking blah,” mutters Anna. “What happened to marrying for love?”

“I don’t love Blu,” I say quickly. I feel a blush on my cheeks again. Damn, I need to stop all the blushing. “My mum and dad didn’t love each other. Their parents arranged their marriage and look at them now. They are so in love, it’s sickening. They’ve lasted for years. It can work.”

“Your dad is a mafia kingpin. Could she have left him and lived?” asks Anna and I scowl.

“My dad wouldn’t have my mum killed,” I insist, but the thought does creep into my mind and weighs heavily.

“Just look at him out there, looking all sad,” whispers Leia, adding a pout. All the girls turn to the large window and stare out at Blu, who’s resting against his bike, staring down at his phone.

“Jesus, stop looking at him,” I hiss. As the words leave my mouth, Blu looks up and I groan. “Great, now he’ll know we’re talking about him.”

Leia raises her hand and gives him a small wave. Eva does the same, but I slap her hand down seeing as I’m right next to her. “Ouch,” she mutters, rubbing the back of her hand like a wounded puppy.

There’s a loud bang from outside and we watch in horror as Blu drops to the ground and presses his head between his knees. “What the hell?” gasps Anna.

“It was a car backfiring, wasn’t it?” asks Leia. I don’t wait to find out. I’m already rushing to the door.

There’s not many people around, thankfully. I drop to my knees in front of Blu and place my hands gently on his wrists. I’d read up on PTSD and researched what sufferers of the condition find helpful.

“Blu, it’s Gia. You’re okay. It was a car backfiring.”

His pulse races underneath my fingertips. “What’s wrong with him?” asks Eva.

“PTSD,” says Leia thoughtfully. “We did a brief thing on it at work. I re-read all my notes on it after the last time he had a funny turn. He should really seek professional help.”

“Blu, you’re outside the London Deli. You’re safe. You’re with me,” I say softly. I feel his pulse slow. Suddenly, he wraps his strong arms around me and pulls me to him, burying his nose into my hair and inhaling. “You’re safe,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I hear the girls go back inside. Blu’s holding me so tight, I can feel the rise and fall of his chest with each breath. After a few minutes, he looks into my eyes. Something passes between us, like electricity arcing back and forth. The pull is intense, so when our lips slam together, it feels natural. The kiss is hungry and passionate. His hands are either side of my neck, his thumbs resting against my chin while my hands tug at his shirt, scrunching it in my fists.

He stands with me in his arms and moves towards the side of the building, out of view from the main street. He pushes me against the wall and I wrap my legs around his waist, feeling his erection pressing against my core. His lips move along my jaw and down Copyright 2016 - 2024