Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,24

her sleep. She’s a pretty little thing with heart-shaped lips and long, dark eyelashes.

I open my eyes and sit up with a start. There’s a blanket over me and it falls to the floor. I look around the dark room. I can just make out a shadow laying on the bed next to the sleeping girl. I must have nodded off. I quietly head for the door, trying not to wake them. “Where are you going?” whispers Blu.

“Sorry, did I wake you?”

“I can’t sleep.” He sits up and the moonlight illuminates his tired face. He turns on a lamp beside the bed and looks down at his sleeping girl.

“I’ll make you a hot drink,” I whisper.

I go downstairs and make us both a hot milk. When I return to his room, he’s sitting up staring at the opposite wall, deep in thought. I place the drink beside him and it breaks his trance-like state. “Thanks.”

“Is she going to be okay?” I ask, nodding towards his kid.

“Yeah. She’s a fighter like her mum.”

“And how’s she doing?” I ask.

“Not so good. We’re waiting for her to wake up. Doctors keep telling us that her body is keeping her asleep to help her recover.” He sighs. “I just want her to wake up.”

“I’m sure she will,” I say. “What’s her name?”

He smiles at his daughter. “Molly.”

“Suits her. She’s gorgeous.” I take a breath. “I know this is totally the wrong time, but it’s playing on my mind so I just need to ask.” I pause, looking at him cautiously. “Did you cheat on Molly’s mum with me? Because I hate cheaters and that would make me one and I can’t live with that—” I’m blabbering and he shushes me before I can finish.

“No. I don’t cheat,” he says firmly. “We’ve been over for a while.”

I feel a weight lift. Since Frankie mentioned the accident, I’d been worrying that I’d unknowingly been the other woman. I couldn’t live with that. “You don’t like cheating, but you fucked me when you were going on dates with Ricardo,” he points out and I feel my cheeks flush.

“I went on two dates because my brother asked me to for the family. I kissed him one time, but I’m not in a relationship with Ric.”

“You’ve told your brother and Ricardo that then?” he asks with a smirk.

“Not exactly. But I will. I’m just waiting for the right time.”

He sniggers, shaking his head. “Whatever you say, princess.”

“How long have you known Molly’s mum?” I ask, changing the subject from me.

“About six years. We split two years ago,” he says.

“Why?” I press my lips together the second the question leaves my mouth. I’m nosy by nature and I often forget to keep my mouth shut.

Blu doesn’t seem to care that I’ve asked such a personal question. “I didn’t choose her,” he mutters and I frown, confused. “In life,” he adds, like that clarifies anything. “Everything came before her. Army, mostly.”

It sounds much like my dad and brother, the organisation before anything and anyone, although they’ll deny that and insist family comes first. “Does she have a new partner?” I ask tentatively, my curiosity getting the best of me.

He smirks, taking a drink of his hot milk. He screws his face up and looks into the cup. “Milk?” he asks and I nod. He places the cup on the bedside table and opens the drawer, pulling out a small bottle of whiskey. He unscrews the cap and takes a big mouthful.

There’s a longing in my heart for him as I stare. It shouldn’t be there, but it is, and it comes with ringing alarm bells. This man will break my heart.

I wake in my own bed. I crept from Blu’s room after he passed out. It didn’t feel right sleeping in the rocking chair. After our chat last night, I realised that I’m setting myself up for heartache and the only way to protect myself is to get out of this club and go home to face things there. I’m going to tell Vinn that I can’t marry Ricardo Donini because the blood running through my veins is Romano and I’ll never marry just because they think it’s a good business move. I’ve always done things my way and I don’t intend to stop now.

As I stuff my clothes into my bag, I feel relief flood me. I won’t be staring at the door, waiting to see if he appears by the window again. I won’t hold my breath whenever I Copyright 2016 - 2024