Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,23

watch her closely. She took a knock to the head too and it caused swelling to her brain. The doctor is confident it will go on its own, it’s just a case of waiting for her to wake up.

“Are you going to be okay with Molly?” asks Alice, her voice croaky from lack of sleep and appalling coffee. I nod. The doctors decided to keep Molly in for another day because they weren’t happy with her temperature, but she’s good to go today.

“I dropped by the house and got some stuff together,” I say and she smiles sadly. “She’ll love the clubhouse,” I add.

“I know,” says Alice. “It’s the safest place for her to be right now. I just know that Hannah would hate it.”

I lean over and kiss Alice on the head and then Hannah. “I’ll call you later. Let me know if there’s any change.”

I keep Molly in my arms as I walk through the club. I feel everyone's eyes on me as I pass. I called Riggs to update him on where I was, but I doubt it’s common knowledge. I asked him to keep it on the downlow, hating the thought of everyone gossiping about me.

Riggs looks up as I enter his office. “Pres,” I nod my head in greeting.

“Blu, how’s she doing?”

“No change,” I utter.

“And this must be Molly,” says Riggs, smiling at my girl. She hides her face in my neck.

“You sure this is okay?” I ask again.

“Brother,” says Riggs with a sigh, “you know you’re welcome with anyone you want to bring in. Your family is our family. She’ll be safe here.”

It was Alice’s idea to come to the club. The cops told her they think Hannah was targeted. Alice is blaming her job, thinking some criminal she’s upset has come for revenge. Until we know either way, Molly is staying here.

Chapter Eight


When Blu went off radar, and by that, I mean stopped coming back to the club, I thought he was avoiding me. So when I see him enter the club holding a little girl, relief floods me. I want to hug him I feel so happy, but when I see his grim expression, I stay seated, watching him breeze through the club straight into Riggs’ office. I keep my eyes glued to the closed office door, and when he finally reappears, he heads straight up to his room with the girl in his arms.

“He’s back,” says Frankie, joining me and Eva on the couch.

“Any idea where he’s been?” I ask, trying not to sound bothered. Frankie smirks. She’s on to me.

“His missus and kid were in a car accident,” she says.

Eva sits up, her expression horrified. “Gosh, are they okay?”

“They’re waiting for her to wake up. Think she’s in a coma. The kid’s okay, just cuts and bruises, broken collar bone.”

I feel bad for thinking I was the reason he wasn’t around, like I’m some damn catch. I shake my head in annoyance at myself for being so big headed. “I’m going to bed,” I say quietly.

I sit out on my balcony in the cold with a blanket around me. I knew he wouldn’t be out here, but a small part of me hoped. He has other things on his mind, rightly so, but I wanted to check he was okay.

Disturbing him by knocking on his door doesn’t feel right. Just when I’m about to give up hope, his door opens and he steps out. I suck in a breath. He’s handsome even when he’s tired and worried. He must hear my sudden intake because he looks over. He places his hands on the rail and hangs his head. “Frankie told me what happened,” I say quietly. “I just wanted to say sorry and if there’s anything I can do, just give me a shout.”

He remains still, but I stand. He’s clearly not in the right frame of mind to talk. I’m just about to step inside my room when he mumbles something and I turn back to him. He glances at me. “Sit with her,” he repeats. My eyes dart towards his room. He nods, confirming that he wants me to sit with his kid. I don’t question him—he needs this from me.

I head straight for his room and find the little girl sleeping soundly in his big bed. Her long hair is fanned across the pillow, the blankets tucked tightly around her. I take a seat in an old rocking chair in the corner of the room and watch Copyright 2016 - 2024