Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,13

and I realise that it doesn’t sound as nice when he’s laughing at me as when he was laughing with Raven.


“This job will take all night if you pussies don’t hurry the fuck up,” snaps Riggs.

“It’d be a lot faster if you gave us a hand,” I point out, handing a box to Cree, who then passes it down the line of brothers.

“That’s why I have you guys,” says Riggs. “Less back chat and more muscle.”

Vinn’s Mercedes drives slowly into the compound, stopping alongside us. Conner gets out of the driver’s seat and opens the back door. Vinn steps out, straightening his jacket. He shakes hands with Riggs and then stares over to the trailer as we unload the boxes. “Thanks for stepping in last minute,” he says. “My father is happy with a sixty-forty split.”

“Not a problem,” says Riggs.

The trailer full of cocaine was supposed to be on a lorry arriving from Spain, but a last minute change of plans saw it being loaded onto a boat and sailing in through the docks run by the Kings. Usually, Riggs would stay away from something like this because he hates change. Once a plan is set, he believes it should stay that way, but the club is recovering financially from previous enemies, such as Anna’s mafia ex and now Cobra, who seems to be stepping on our toes when it comes to the drug front. “Any sign of Cobra?” asks Vinn and Riggs shakes his head. Despite his warning, Cobra hasn’t been back in touch with the club.

“My sister is meeting a very important man tomorrow for dinner. He has security, but I’d like Gianna to have her own. Can you arrange that?” Vinn asks Riggs.

My mind races with the reasons why Gia would be meeting an important man. Riggs looks over at me and Blade. I nod because I know without a doubt that I want to be around her for whatever this meeting is about.

I get home in the early hours. The trailer took forever to unload and I spent the entire fuckin’ time thinking of her. Gia.

I slip into her room through her balcony door and stare down at her sleeping form. The sheets have slipped from her body and I admire the way her shorts and strappy top cling to her every curve. Her arms lay above her head and I clench my fists to avoid grabbing her hands and pinning them there while I kiss her hard. I give my head a shake. I can never have anything with Gia. She’s a mafia princess and I despise everything mafia-related.

Chapter Five


The Beaumont Hotel is one of the most extravagant hotels in this city, and although I’ve been here for charity events, I’ve never had an intimate meal here. I glance shyly across the table at Ricardo as he takes a sip of red wine. He nods to the waiter, who smiles, satisfied that he chose the right bottle, and he pours us each a glass before placing the bottle to one side.

“You’ve changed,” says Ric, smiling over the flickering candle.

“I should hope so, I was eight years old the last time you saw me,” I point out. Ricardo’s security team is spread over two tables nearby. Vinn insisted I bring my own men too, which just happens to be Blu and Blade, both the men who make me melt. “You have a lot of security,” I say.

He glances over the two tables and nods. “It’s necessary.”

“I was sorry to hear about your father passing,” I say.

“My father was an ass. You remember that about him?”

I nod. When we were kids, our parents were close, but Ric’s dad was a violent man and he didn’t bother to hide that from Ric or anyone else for that matter. He’d slap Ric’s mum down right in front of a room full of people if she stepped out of line. “But still, I’m sorry for your loss.”

He eyes me while taking a drink of wine. “You’re beautiful.”

I feel my cheeks redden. “Thanks.”

“I was surprised when you agreed to this date. Your brother seems very set on us marrying.”

“Vinn wants what’s best for me, but he’ll let me decide who I marry,” I point out. “Women’s rights and all that.”

“You remember when I kissed you?” he asks, swishing his drink around his glass. “I thought I was in love with you back then.”

I laugh. “It was wet and full-on. We were just kids.”

“Still, I wanted to marry you. You drove me Copyright 2016 - 2024