Saving Blu (Kings Reapers MC #4) - Nicola Jane Page 0,11

He grins. “Is that the proper procedure for checking breathing?”

“Goodnight, Blu,” I mutter, pulling the door open.

“Night, Creep,” he says with a laugh.

Eva falls about her desk laughing. Blu is outside the office on his phone, so I took the opportunity to update Eva on my embarrassing lip-to-lip fail last night. “Oh god,” she cries, wiping the tears from under her eyes. “You kill me with your craziness.”

“It isn’t funny. I can’t even look him in the eye. Can’t you ask Riggs to send someone else to watch over you?”

“God, no, not now. I want to see how this plays out.”

“You are a bad friend!” I hiss and she laughs harder.

Blu returns and looks from Eva to me suspiciously. “What?” he asks.

“Nothing,” I snap.

Eva tries unsuccessfully to suppress her giggles. “Gia was just telling me. . .how she’d like. . . to refresh her first aid skills. . . by going on a course,” she says, laughing between her words.

Blu smirks. “She definitely needs to. I’m not entirely sure she understands how to check if a person is breathing.” They both crack up laughing and I stare hard at my laptop, wishing for it to swallow me and save me from this torture.

My phone flashes and I check the text message just to distract myself from the embarrassment. I groan. Since I decided to stay at the clubhouse, Conner’s been texting asking me to go home. I know what he wants, and once he gets it, he’ll not bother with me for a few days. Well, I ain’t his damn toy to pick up and play with whenever he’s bored. I drop the phone in my top desk drawer and Eva raises her brow in question. I shake my head. “Nothing, just Conner.”

“Again?” she asks. “Keen.”

“Um, he’s keen for one thing only and I’m sick of it.”

I feel Blu watching us but avoid making eye contact. I know he’ll say something sarcastic or mean. “You want me to tell him to back off?” he asks, surprising me.

I blush again. Part of me hopes that he wants to tell Conner that because he likes me, but I’m not so stupid as to point it out, so I shake my head. “No, I’ll handle it. I’ve already told him it’s finished. If I ignore him, he’ll get the message.”

“Does he want you to go home?” asks Eva.

I nod. “Something like that.”

“Maybe it’s best you stay at the club, mend your broken heart,” she suggests.

“It’s not broken,” I hiss, embarrassed that she’d out me like that in front of Blu. I’m pissed he’s using me, but I’m more angry than hurt. “I’m fine. It was a casual thing.”

Back at the club after work, I pace up and down with a screaming baby Willow in my arms. I offered to give Anna a break so she could at least enjoy a bath in peace, but this little madam is refusing to settle. Malia, Anna’s older daughter, peers up at me from her spot on the couch. Next to her sits Ziggy, Riggs’ kid. “She needs milk,” says Malia. “You have to get your boobies out.”

I almost choke on the laugh that escapes me. “That’s mummy’s job, not mine.”

“But that's what Willow wants. She’s crying for milk. She always cries for milk,” she says innocently.

“And only mummies can feed their babies,” I say.

“Why?” asks Ziggy, keeping his eyes fixed to the show they’re watching.

“Because only mummies have the right kind of milk,” I offer with a shrug of my shoulders.

Blu marches over from the bar and takes Willow from me. She instantly calms and I glower at him. “Magic touch,” he mumbles.

I take a seat next to the kids and pretend to watch the show. Every so often, I glance over at Blu cradling Willow and my panties melt a little more. Man, he’s hot. “She likes you,” says Malia.

Blu smiles. “I’m a likable kind of guy.”

“Raven likes you too,” says Ziggy, absentmindedly. We all look at him and he nods. “She does. I heard her tell Coral and Leia.” Blu grins wider.

“Haven’t you already got a girlfriend?” I practically spit, which only pleases Blu more.

“No. Who said I had a girl?”

“You went on a date,” I say.

Blu laughs, shaking his head like I’ve said something funny. “That don’t mean I have a girl.”

“Oh, well, I’ll put in a word for you with Raven then,” I snap, folding my arms across my chest. “I’m sure she’ll be really pleased to hear you’re single.”

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