Savage King: New Worlds - Milly Taiden Page 0,19

free hand with his.

The sound of the birds and the breeze filled her with the happiness of being alive. The company wasn’t too bad, either. He was the strong, silent type. She laughed at herself. She wasn’t writing, but she felt like she was in a story, nonetheless.

“There are so many questions I want to ask, but charades aren’t my idea of communicating.”

“Ne.” He tilted his head down then up.

“No,” she shook her head, “side to side for no.” He looked over each shoulder. “That’s it. Maybe not so much turning.”

“Will it take a while to get us to civilization, to get home?” she asked. She was already worried about what Grandmom would think. She’d never let them have the portal stones again.

He dipped his chin to his chest. “Jes.”

“Really?” She didn’t expect to be that far into the jungle. Maybe they were in Brazil. Some of his words did remind her of Spanish. She could try talking Spanish to him, but she’d probably be cussing at him and not know it.

“Will we get there today.” He shook his head. “Tomorrow?” she squeaked.

He smiled down at her with a chuckle and a nod. Shit. Grandmom would be furious with them.

His nose went up and he sniffed. He tugged them a quarter turn and continued. “Do you know where you’re going? You can get us back, right?”

He tapped his nose and grinned. Did he mean he could smell their way back? Damn, that was like the shifters in her stories, but they were on Earth and in the real world where shifting humans didn’t exist. Too bad. She let out a sigh.

He stopped at a wild bush with blackberries. He picked one and popped it into his mouth. He picked another and held it in front of her mouth. When she opened, he stuffed it in, the back end of the bite going to her throat.

Her body jerked, bending over, as she beat on her chest. The food easily moved into her mouth where she could chew it. She laughed between coughs, totally embarrassed. Her face was so hot, she waved her hand in front of her nose, hoping the ground would open and swallow her.

Flavors exploded in her mouth, sweet and tangy. She couldn’t help the moan that came out. She glanced at him, and his brows were up, staring at her mouth. Her tongue slipped out along her lips. That she didn’t mean to do. Just a habit.

His eyes were wide, still focused on her mouth. God, she was really teasing him. She’d never done that with a guy before. Not sexually. After a moment of him not moving, she cleared her throat, snapping him out of his funk.

“Do you have a bag we can. . .” put the berries in, she thought as she stared down his muscular body with dips and hard planes, to the little bitty scrap of material that was currently pushed out, away from his thighs. She snapped her eyes up to the sky, face heating. “Nope, no bags on your body. Nothing baggy at all,” she mumbled to herself.

How were they going to carry all this back? She pulled up the front of her T-shirt, making a pouch. She’d done this all the time in her childhood when she carried rocks home from the creek to paint. “Here, put everything in my shirt.”

He looked back at her and froze, eyes seeing the exposed skin just above her waist. That hadn’t been her intention, but she wouldn’t change it. She liked those looks he gave her. Slowly, they were changing from fun and lighthearted to hunger and want.

Oh yes, she could completely see herself rolling around with him, coming to a stop with him on top. His hard body pressed against her, his rock-hard cock nestled perfectly where she wanted it to go. Then he’d kiss her, long and deep, tongue taking control. Slowly, he’d lift her arms over her head, holding them secured, as he took what he desired, and she wanted to give.

Chapter Eight

Xenos had finally gotten his mate away from the other two. He’d been by himself for a couple hundred cold moons, with the birds and breeze as the only sounds. Recently, the volcanic mountain range on the far side of the forests had been shaking the ground, creating a bit of chaos, but that was it. So having a group of very talkative females would take some getting used to. But for his mate, he’d listen to them all Copyright 2016 - 2024