Sand Castle Bay (Ocean Breeze) - By Sherryl Woods Page 0,110

with her?”

“In front of you? I don’t think so,” Boone said, though his laugh sounded forced. “Okay. Here’s the truth. I think she’s about to deliver bad news, and you’re here to postpone it.”

Ethan stared at him incredulously, then shook his head. “Oh no, you don’t, pal. I am not getting mixed up in this drama.”

“But there will be no drama if you’re here,” Boone protested.

“And if there’s going to be drama ever, you need to get it over with,” Ethan said. “I’m leaving, and what I will do is take B.J. with me. He can spend the night at my place. I’ll even let him beat me again at that video game he loves.”

Boone grinned despite himself. “You’ve been letting him win?”

“Of course. You didn’t really think that little kid of yours could beat me, did you?” he asked indignantly.

“Actually, I did. He thinks you’re pretty bad.”

“Well, sure. I work at stinking, so he’ll build up his confidence. I thought that’s what you’re supposed to do with kids.”

Boone shook his head. “You might want to kick your game up a notch. Something tells me he’ll still be able to take you. He whips my butt every night, and, believe me, I’m trying.”

“Yes, but you’re you,” Ethan said, then raised his voice. “Hey, B.J., forget that soda! We’re going out for burgers.”

B.J. came running out the back door. “All of us?”

“Nope, just you and me,” Ethan said. “Your dad and Emily have grown-up stuff to discuss.” He glanced across the yard at the sound of a car. “And there she is now. Run and give her a hug, then hop in my car. We’ll play miniature golf after dinner, then go back to my place. I’ve been practicing that video game. I might be able to take you now.”

“No way,” B.J. responded. He glanced at Boone. “Is it okay, Dad?”

“Sure. Have fun. Grab your toothbrush and a change of clothes. Ethan says you can stay over and he’ll get you to school in the morning.”

There was no mistaking Emily’s frown when she spotted Ethan.

His friend didn’t miss the look, either.

“Not to worry,” Ethan told her, giving her a kiss on the cheek. “I’m just here to pick up the kid, so you two can have some time alone.”

“I see,” she said, her expression brightening.

Ethan leaned down and whispered something in her ear that Boone couldn’t hear. Then B.J. emerged from the house, gave her a hug and raced off to join Ethan.

“What did Ethan say to you?” Boone asked as Emily joined him.

“He told me to go easy on you,” she said. “Any idea what he meant?”

“He meant that I’ve had it in mind all day that you’ve shown up with bad news.” He scanned her face. “Have you?”

Unfortunately she didn’t immediately deny it. Instead, she stood on tiptoe and pressed a kiss to his lips before taking a step back. “You may see it that way,” she admitted. “But I hope you won’t.”

This time the feeling of dread didn’t settle in Boone’s stomach. It stole through his heart.

* * *

Though Emily suggested they wait until after dinner to talk, she was so fidgety through the meal, Boone had to wonder why he’d even bothered cooking. She’d shredded the chicken on her plate but hadn’t touched a bite. He’d automatically shoveled the food in, but it had been tasteless.

“Obviously putting this off was a bad idea,” he said, as he took everything inside. He left the dishes piled in the sink, poured them each another glass of wine and gestured toward the living room.

“Inside or out?”

“Let’s sit in here. It’s starting to get chilly outside,” she said. “Maybe the weather’s finally turning. It is December, after all.”

She wanted to talk about the weather, he thought impatiently. No way. They needed to get this over with. Boone waited until she chose a place on the sofa before dropping down beside her. He set his wineglass on the coffee table.

“Okay, let’s dive right in. Are you calling it quits?” he asked, then held his breath as he awaited her reply.

She looked genuinely startled by the direct question. “What? No. Absolutely not.”

Boone released a sigh of relief. Anything short of breaking up couldn’t possibly be so bad. “Then fill me in. What’s going on?”

He listened closely as she described the opportunity being offered to her in Los Angeles and knew at once it would demand her presence on the West Coast pretty close to full-time.

“And you’re going to accept the offer, aren’t you?” Copyright 2016 - 2024