Saltwater Secrets - Amelia Addler Page 0,50

you tell?”

“I haven’t been productive either,” Morgan said with a shrug. “I’m just glad you’re not moping around like you were this morning.”

“I wasn’t moping,” Jade replied, lowering herself to the ground to pet Toast.

“You were,” Morgan said. “So I’m glad that Toast could cheer you up. You’ve been depressed ever since you went to that party on Lopez. What happened?”

Jade kept her eyes focused on Toast, who was now playfully pawing at her. “Nothing.”

Morgan turned to Tiffany. “Okay, what happened?”

“I’m not sure,” Tiffany said. “One minute she was all cute and excited, and the next minute, she wanted to go home.”

“It was just really hard seeing how we’re going to have no chance. They have these really fancy parties and all this money…” Jade’s voice trailed off.

“No.” Morgan shook her head. “Nope. I don’t believe that. That never got you down before.”

Jade shrugged. “I guess the fire changed me.”

“Aw,” Tiffany shot Morgan a look. “Now you’ve done it.”

Morgan shook her head again. “Nope. I still don’t believe you. What happened.”

Jade sighed. Why was Morgan so good at this? “I don’t know. It’s silly.”

Now Tiffany’s interest was piqued. “What’s silly? Was it because we saw Brandon?”

Jade looked up at them. Toast was now completely laying in her lap, basking in the attention of the moment. “What? No. That didn’t bother me. Not at all.”

“He was oddly friendly,” Tiffany continued. “I wonder if he was trying to cover something up?”

Jade shook her head. “Believe me, Brandon is not that sneaky. I don’t think he has anything to do with what’s been happening.”

“Then what?” Morgan paused. “Oh.”

Tiffany looked at her. “What?”

Morgan dropped her voice. “Was Matthew there?”

Jade closed her eyes. “That’s not – I didn’t say that he – ”

“He was! And he brought Laura,” Tiffany said matter-of-factly. “They were super late. We didn’t really talk to them much, though.”

“What did you talk about?” Morgan asked.

“I don’t remember, we all talked to that guy Eric. He seems like kind of a weirdo and couldn’t get Jade’s name right. And then – ”

Jade interrupted. “You two don’t have to act like I’m not here!”

Morgan smiled. “Then you tell me what happened. Come on – I’m not trying to make fun of you. Maybe I can help.”

Jade crossed her arms, and Toast immediately started pawing at her hand. She uncrossed her arms and kept petting him. “I feel really stupid saying this, because it’s not even any of my business.”

Morgan leaned forward. “Oh! Gossip! Now you have to tell.”

“It’s not anything good. Laura said – and I don’t even know how it came up – but she said that Matthew cheated on her. And I guess that’s why they broke up last time.”

Tiffany and Morgan looked at each other, then back at Jade.

“I know it’s silly,” Jade added, “but it kind of upset me. Because I really like Matthew, and I felt like…you know, that he was a good friend. And a good guy. But apparently he’s been dating Laura, and what if this is sort of his thing? You know, to like…cheat on her?”

Tiffany burst out laughing. “I’m sorry – I’m not laughing at you. It’s just – I mean, I don’t believe it.”

Jade cocked her head to the side. “What?”

Morgan nodded. “I’m with Tiffany. I have a feeling that Laura made that up because she can tell that Matthew likes you. And she’s jealous.”

“Oh come on guys, you’re going to give me a big head. I mean, maybe he does kind of like me, because he’s a scummy guy. He’s a cheater. And that just makes me feel so…gross.”

Morgan shook her head. “I just don’t buy it. Matthew’s not a scummy guy. But I’ve always thought he liked you. And if it’s bothering you so much, why don’t you just ask him?”

Jade laughed. “Oh, so you think I should just call him and be like ‘Hey your girlfriend mentioned that you cheated on her, what was that about? And on an unrelated note, do you like me?’ ”

“Okay, not just like that,” Tiffany said. “But I think you could bring it up somehow.”

Jade was about to respond when her phone rang. She reached into her back pocket to dig it out and gasped. “It’s Matthew!”

“Answer it!” Morgan said.

Jade’s stomach dropped. What if she’d accidentally butt dialed him and he heard their entire conversation?

“I can’t!” Jade whispered.

Morgan snatched the phone from her hand. “Hello, Jade’s phone!”

Jade shot her a glare, then mouthed, “What does he want?”

“Yes, she’s home. She’s very busy working.” Morgan Copyright 2016 - 2024