Saltwater Secrets - Amelia Addler Page 0,49

makes sense! The timing is right, the direction he was coming from is right, and – ”

Matthew crossed his arms. “I’m happy to go and question him, but if we don’t have any evidence, it’s going to be tough.”

Margie reached into her pocket and pulled something out. “Well…what if I told you that I had his phone?”

“Then,” Matthew said slowly, “I would tell you that I’m not able to use any evidence that wasn’t obtained legally.”

“Come on, can’t we just have a look? One time Morgan said that phones track everywhere you go. Couldn’t we see if he was at Jade’s house the night of the fire?”

Matthew looked around to make sure that no one was watching them. Margie was definitely taking a page out of Morgan’s vigilante playbook, and Matthew wanted nothing to do with it.

“Margie, I really can’t be involved with this. I promised you that I wouldn’t tell Chief Hank, and I won’t. But he would tell you the same thing. You need to get that phone back to Eddie and hope that he doesn’t notice that you stole it.”

“I didn’t steal it!” she said. “I borrowed it. No – maybe I thought it was my phone in all that commotion when the ladder fell over.”

Matthew pretended to cover his ears. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, and I don’t want to know.”

“I can’t let him get away with hurting Jade!” Margie said, her volume rising.

“I know,” Matthew said, softening his voice. “We’re working night and day to figure out who’s been doing all of this, and I hate that I don’t have any lead suspects. But we can’t just go around stealing people’s phones and accusing them of arson.”

Margie frowned. “Well, maybe you can’t.”

He laughed. “Right, I can’t. Why don’t you call Jade? Just to let her know how worried you are about her. Maybe tell her how many nights you’ve been sitting outside of her house, watching from your car.”

Margie took a step back. “How did you know about that? Did Hank tell you?”

Whoops. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. But whatever – it was too late now. And maybe she’d feel better if she knew that he was worried, too.

“No,” he replied. “Hank didn’t say anything. But you’re not the only one who’s been checking on her.”

Margie’s eyes widened. “Oh. I see.”

He looked around, already regretting his confession. “I just wanted you to know that – ”

“So that night of the fire? Did you get a call?”

He cleared his throat. “Not exactly.”

“You were just…”

“Yeah,” he said. “I was just…checking in.”

“But you didn’t see anyone running away?”

“Not a soul.”

Margie stared at him for a moment but said nothing.

Matthew felt uncomfortable under her gaze. “How about this? I’ll call Jade and let her know what’s going on. Maybe you can talk to her about your theory with Eddie and see if he said anything strange to her?”

Margie frowned. “Do I have to tell her about the phone?”

“I mean,” Matthew said with a laugh, “that part is up to you. But you may need her help in getting it back to him.”

Margie thought for a moment. “Alright. It’s a deal. But only because I like you, Matthew.”

Matthew pulled his phone out and dialed Jade’s number. He didn’t dare say it out loud, but he thought Margie might be onto something.

If only there were some way to prove it.

Chapter 19

“Guys! Come check this out!” Jade yelled.

Tiffany and Morgan appeared at her bedroom doorway.

“What’s up?” asked Morgan.

“Watch this,” Jade said. She told Toast to sit in the far corner of the room, then slowly walked towards the door, placing a treat on the floor.

“Stay,” she said, backing away from the treat. “Stay there. Good boy. Stay.”

Jade flashed a smile back at Tiffany and Morgan. Toast was completely focused on her. “Okay, go get it!”

Toast practically jumped up in excitement to run to the treat.

Tiffany and Morgan clapped, and Jade turned towards them, a smile plastered on her face.

“Congratulations on another great trick,” Morgan said. “Next, I’d like you to teach him to open the fridge and bring me snacks.”

Jade tapped her chin. “Hm, honestly I bet he could do that.”

“So smart,” Tiffany said with a sigh. “But so furry. If only he didn’t shed so much.”

“Aw, don’t listen to her Toast.” Jade pretended to cover his ears. “You’re perfect just the way you are.”

Morgan leaned against the doorframe, crossing her arms. “So would you say that today has been pretty productive for you, workwise?”

Jade laughed. “Not really. Can Copyright 2016 - 2024