Saltwater Secrets - Amelia Addler Page 0,21

over here for a moment?”

“Oh – of course not.”

Jade watched, unable to make out what they were saying; their conversation was drowned out in the murmur of the crowd. But she still enjoyed watching Barb’s animated face, the exaggerated use of her hands, and her wild gesticulations – which resulted in another spill of champagne. To see her go from an award winning death stare to this performance made the hassle of parking worth it.

Matthew, however, was unchanged. When he spoke to her, his face remained neutral – even kind at times. It seemed that Jade rarely got to see him in anything other than his Sheriff’s uniform anymore, but he blended right in.

Well – except for being taller than almost everyone in the room. Jade guessed he must’ve been at least six foot four, maybe even six foot five. He was even taller than Luke, and much more muscular – which, naturally, resulted in constant nicknames from Luke ranging from the basic accusations of “you big, beautiful man” to the more specific “Corporal Clydesdale.”

Matthew never really addressed these comments; he’d just laugh and shake his head. Never once had he made a comment about his own appearance; though he must work out, right? Probably a lot. Jade didn’t know. Even now his muscles seemed to just barely fit inside the sleeves of his buttoned up shirt…

She forced herself to stop staring and instead look around the room for Laura. Luckily, she wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Not that Jade didn’t want Laura to be involved, but if she were here, that would force Jade to be the awkward third wheel.

When Jade turned back around, Matthew was now chatting with both Barb and a guy she didn’t recognize. He was also tall – not as tall as Matthew, though, and a bit more gangly. He seemed out of place – he was wearing dress pants and a vest. Definitely more dressed up than anyone here. But then, he also had his sleeves rolled up.

“Jade!” Matthew yelled, waving her over.

Oh dear. She didn’t want to be involved in this, but now they were all looking at her and smiling. Even Barb was fake smiling.

She had no choice. She walked over to them.

“Hi,” she said with a small wave.

“Jade, I’d like you to meet Eric Burke. He’s the developer in charge of this project.”

Ah. So that’s why he had his sleeves rolled up. He wanted to look like he was just “one of the guys.” It was like what politicians did whenever they talked to anyone but their rich donors.

Jade extended a hand. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Jade Clifton.”

“I know who you are!” he replied. “You’re my competition!”

Jade let out a little laugh. “Well – I guess you could say that.”

“Right, because what kind of competition will that even be?” Barb said sweetly. “Look at this! People love it Mr. Burke!”

Matthew and Jade locked eyes for a moment, but Jade had to look away so she wouldn’t burst into laughter.

“You’re too kind, and please, call me Eric.” He turned towards Jade. “Are you enjoying the party?”

Jade nodded. “Yes – it’s very beautiful. It seems like you got a great crowd.”

“When’s your party?” asked Barb. “Or is it a fundraiser, I’m not sure?”

Matthew cleared his throat. “It’s both. And it’s next week, actually. We expect a pretty exciting turnout.”

Oh man, what was the point in lying? She appreciated Matthew’s effort, but they had no idea who was going to show up. So far, all they managed to do was get onto the community Facebook page and print some flyers.

“That’s wonderful! I wish I could make it,” said Eric. “I love a lively community like this. Really gives you a warm feeling, doesn’t it?”

Jade looked around. It was nice seeing everyone come together – even if it was for the competition. “It does.”

“Well, I wish you the best of luck,” Eric said, shaking their hands, “and I look forward to talking to you again, have fun!”

“Good luck with your party,” said Barb flatly before disappearing into the crowd.

Jade looked up at Matthew. “I think we really have our work cut out for us.”

He smiled as he popped a stuffed mushroom into his mouth. “Don’t worry. I’ve already cost them half a bottle of champagne. And we haven’t even gotten started yet.”

“Right.” Jade grabbed a bacon-wrapped pickle from a nearby platter. She expected it to be terrible, but of course, it was delicious. “We’ve got a good team, don’t we?”

“The best.” He smiled. Copyright 2016 - 2024