Saltwater Secrets - Amelia Addler Page 0,20

that she wasn’t blocking anything important before locking her car; if she were breaking any laws, surely her step-dad would be able to help? The thought of it made her laugh – asking Chief Hank to get her out of a parking ticket.

Would he really help her? She couldn’t decide, but hoped she wouldn’t have to find out.

As Jade approached the building, she paused to survey how many people were coming to this event. The building itself was stuffed with people; partygoers spilled outside onto the romantically lit patio, which was dotted with heaters. There was even an outdoor bar!

How irritating. And everyone looked so happy. Why were they so impressed by this? Just because this company had money? What was so great about that!

She let out a huff before delicately weaving through the crowd to get into the building. As she got closer, the music grew louder and louder; it wasn’t until she was inside that she realized it was coming from a live band. Some people were dancing; others were milling about and chatting with cocktails and drinks.

A waiter approached. “May I interest you in a glass of champagne, miss?”

Champagne? That was overkill.

“No thank you,” she said firmly. Just because she was there didn’t mean that she needed to be charmed by these…con artists.

A man behind her asked her to move, then reached past her to grab a glass of champagne. Jade decided to investigate a video that was being projected onto one of the walls – when she got close enough she could mostly make out the audio.

“Burke Development, a subsidiary of Burke Industries, specializes in a luxury experience…”

The video panned across a white sand beach and a bright blue, glistening pool. Did these idiots have any idea what kind of island this was? Did they know the difference between the Pacific Ocean and Bermuda?

“Hey there,” said a voice behind her.

She spun around. “Oh! Hey Matthew.”

“So how much does this video make you want to win the vote?”

Jade looked around to make sure that no one was listening to them. “Only about a hundred times more than before I walked in here.”

He laughed. “I mean, I get what they’re trying to sell here. But it looks so generic, doesn’t it? It doesn’t seem to fit San Juan.”

“Exactly! It doesn’t fit at all. Even the video just looks like stock footage. What do they plan to build here? Are they going to try to install a man-made white sand beach that can never be used because the water is too cold?”

He shook his head. “I don’t know. They keep advertising their luxury hotel line, but that seems like a bad fit too.”

Jade sighed. “Yeah. I’m not sure what they’re doing. And they’re not really supplying that information, are they?”

“Not that people seem to care.”

“I know.” Jade looked around the room; maybe people just came for the free food and alcohol?

Another waiter stopped. “Champagne?”

“Yes, thank you,” said Matthew, reaching out and taking two glasses.

Jade shot him a look.

He shrugged. “If they’re paying.”

She weighed that for a moment before deciding to take a glass as well.

“Darn it,” she muttered after her first sip. “That’s really good.”

“Is it?” Matthew pulled away, making a face after finishing the first glass. “It tastes like sugary bubbles.”

“Well you don’t have to drink it!” she said with a laugh.

“No, if it’s good then it was probably expensive. I need to do my part to destabilize their operation.” He drained the second glass before setting it down on a nearby table.

Jade smiled to herself. Perhaps not the most effective way to fight them, but he wasn’t wrong.

Someone bumped into Jade’s back, causing the champagne to slop out of her glass and onto the floor.

“I’m so sorry,” the woman said as she spun around. When she recognized Jade, however, her facial expression deadened.

“It’s okay Barb, I just need to find a way to wipe this up so no one slips on it…”

“Good luck with that,” Barb said flatly.

Matthew took a step closer. “Barb? Barb McFarland?”


“It’s so nice to finally meet you, I’m Corporal Matthew Stevens.” He extended his hand. “I’ve been trying to get in touch with you.”

Jade watched Barb’s expression carefully. Her mouth popped open before widening into a smile that spanned her face. “Oh, of course! Yes, my staff told me that you dropped by. I’ve been so busy with everything, I’m sorry I didn’t manage to get back to you yet.”

“Well I’m glad that we can connect now,” Matthew responded. “Would you mind stepping Copyright 2016 - 2024