Saints and Sinners - Eden Butler Page 0,227

him; from everything he’d wanted so many times. Kai didn’t believe her.

“You told my cousin…you said you could never love anyone like you loved Luka.” It was an accusation she couldn’t deny, spoken in a low breath that felt like an insult. But Gia took it because it was the truth.


“It’s different with you, Kai.” She held his face, hoping he saw the truth in everything that moved behind her eyes. She wasn’t hiding anything from him now. “You…you give me the kind of love that chases away the shadows.” Kai held his breath, his features going still, his fingers curling against her arms like whatever she said next might be the single most important words he ever heard her speak. “You give me the kind of love that makes me forget I’ve lived with a ghost for twenty years.” She pressed her lips against his, hoping he believed her. Hoping he knew everything she said came right from her heart. “You make everyone else fade away.”

“Ku'uipo …”

Kai didn’t wait for her permission. It took little effort for him to lift her, picking her up by the hips, wrapping her around him before he moved his mouth to hers and took her kiss, stealing her breath with each insistent brush of his lips.

They came to his bedroom, Kai holding her, taking her mouth like he owned it, like he wanted to prove to her no one else ever would again but him. Then, he set her on her feet, stepping back before he moved his chin, nodding to his bed.

Gia looked between him and the mattress but didn’t ask him what he wanted. The expression on his face told her that well enough. She hurried out of her clothes, shimmying down her pants, throwing off her blouse and bra, stopping at her thong when Kai cleared his throat. “What?” she said, watching him as he moved toward her, his hand covering her fingers where they held the strap on her hip.

He moved his tongue across his bottom lip, inhaling as he inched his gaze over her breasts, staring boldly at her center. “Get on the bed. Flat on your back,” Kai told her, his voice demanding, but low, his fingers squeezing into her skin before he edged her toward the bed. Then he pulled his tee over his head with a quick swipe of one hand, stalking toward her when she moved to the center of the mattress. “Right there.”

Kai watched her, his eyes focused, gaze centered on the wetness forming between her legs the harder his look became. “This,” he said, reaching for the strap of her thong, hooking it under one finger, “this I get to do myself.” The material freed from her body with his tug, whispering off her hips, down her thighs, over her knees until Kai curled it in his fist, pressing his hand against her legs to spread her wide. “This is how I want you.”

He reached for her, fingers gliding over her skin, his touch heavy, hot, his thumbs skirting just along the surface of her pussy, teasing. Gia watched him, her breath catching, heart racing as she waited. She only wanted him to touch her. The longer he waited, the slower his movements became, the more heightened her senses seemed to become.

“Kai,” she whined, not caring that she sounded like a beggar.

“You want me to touch you?” There was gravel in his tone, a seduction that tightened Gia’s stomach and hardened her nipples just with the breathy release of those six short words.

“Yes…please, baby. Touch me.”

Kai seemed to like her panting and the low moan of her tone when she called him something sweet. He released a muffled groan, and pushed two fingers into his mouth, sucking them, moving his thick tongue around them before he lowered them into Gia.

“Oh, God,” she cried, arching at the touch, head falling back as Kai worked his fingers inside her, as he leaned forward, priming her for all the things he seemed eager to do to her. That large body covered her from above, like a shadow, blotting out the dim light, his fingers inside her, his mouth and tongue sucking on her nipple, his freehand threaded into her hair as though he needed more of her to hold onto. “Kai…faster…oh…oh…God!”

He sucked hard, worked his fingers deeper, curled his knuckle toward her G-spot and Gia was crashing, her inner muscles tightening as she came.

“That’s what I missed,” he said, kissing her neck, her mouth, rubbing Copyright 2016 - 2024