Saint (Angelview Academy #1) - E.M. Snow Page 0,62

turns toward Loni’s incredibly attractive, incredibly ripped father and gushes at him.

“I just have to say, I’m a huge fan!”

Mr. James flashes her a white-toothed smile that even I find swoon-worthy.

“A woman like you, into MMA? You’re a fantasy come to life, huh?”

Carley blushes from her neck to the roots of her blond hair and giggles, and I turn wide eyes toward Loni, who’s staring right back at me.

“What the fuck?” I mouth across the table.

She sloughs off a shrug and shakes her head, looking as baffled as I feel.

Our parental figures are fucking flirting with each other!

Carley and I had met up with Loni and her dad before the picnic, and Carley nearly lost her shit when she’d found out who Mr. James really was. Now, as Loni and I try to choke down our lunches without gagging, Carley and Mr. James are making eyes at each other across the table like goddamn teenagers. It’d be adorable if I wasn’t so weirded out by it.

I think we’re just lucky Loni’s mom is eating with Laurel and her dad a few tables over.

Still, I can’t help grinning when Mr. James compliments Carley’s eyes. Weird or not, it’s nice to see her enjoying herself. She’s usually so exhausted from work, she doesn’t have the time or energy to just have fun. I shake my head and take a drink of lemonade, then feel the sudden urge to pee.

Leaning in so I can whisper at Carley’s ear, I say, “I need to go to the bathroom. Try not to jump his bones while I’m gone, okay?”

She whips her head to face me, gawking in shock and embarrassment. “I’m not going to … why would you say that?” She gives me a questioning look, then whispers, “Why? Do you think he’s interested?”

Snorting, I press a quick kiss to her cheek and get up from my seat. Winding my way through the tables, I head toward the dining hall. I make my way into the bathroom, pee, and wash my hands. When I near the door to leave again, I hear voices on the other side. They’re not loud, but they’re tense and heated.

I hesitate, wondering if I should step out and interrupt whoever’s talking, but I’m not willing to be trapped in the bathroom for God knows how long. Cautiously, I open the door and try to sneak out. I gaze around and freeze in my tracks. Between me and the door to the outside is Saint. He’s standing with an older couple, who I assume are his parents, and they appear to be in the middle of a tense conversation.

There’s no way out except past them, so I decide to try and slip back into the bathroom and hide. Waiting it out might not be such a bad idea after all…

Before I can open the bathroom door again, however, Saint’s gaze swings toward me. His eyes widen in disbelief as he stares at me, then they narrow with anger the next moment. Both his parents turn to stare at me, and I’m paralyzed, unable to move from my spot by the bathroom. His mother is tall, platinum blonde, and regal looking. She’s literally looking down her perfectly sculpted nose at me. His father’s eyes become slits as he studies me a little too intently.

Before I can decide whether to slip back into the restroom and pretend this terrible encounter never happened, or dart past them as if I’m not bothered by the awkwardness, Saint storms toward me.

Grabbing my arm, he hisses, “Come with me.” Then, he drags me down the hallway, past his parents, toward the entrance to the dining room.

He shoves me inside the empty space and crowds me up against the nearest wall. His nostrils flare as he asks me in a soft, steady voice, “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“What do you mean?” I hiss. “I was just going to the bathroom—”

“You’re not supposed to be here,” he insists in a growl.

My breath catches, and I ball my hands into fists. “Seriously, Saint? Today? Can’t you just—”

“No. You’re not supposed to be here, Mallory. At Parents’ Weekend.” His voice grows harsher, but I still don’t understand why he’s so upset.

“Look, I’m sorry I interrupted whatever you were talking about with your parents, but I swear, it was an accident…”

He slaps his palms against the wall on either side of my head. I gasp and shrink away from him, startled by the look in his eyes. Not just anger, Copyright 2016 - 2024