Saint (Angelview Academy #1) - E.M. Snow Page 0,61

had his lips on my vagina, for god’s sake. The least he could do is fucking look at me when we pass each other on campus.

I make my way toward the picnic to help with final prep. Angelview is crawling with people as other students show off their illustrious school to their filthy rich parents paying for them to go here. Both of Loni’s parents are supposed to be coming, separately of course, so I offered to make sure everything was in place for the big luncheon so she could visit with them and not be distracted. I’m happy to see that everything appears in order when I arrive outside the dining hall. The tables are still perfectly set, and the kitchen staff are busy bringing out the dishes for the buffet.

There really doesn’t appear to be anything for me to do. Should I just go back to my dorm room and hang out until the day is over?

The thought of being alone right now is a little … depressing.

With a sigh, I turn to head back toward my building.


I gaze around and see one of the staff organizers, the freshman history teacher, Mrs. Elders, approaching me, a confused frown tugging at her features.

“Hi, Mrs. Elders. Everything okay? I’m here if you need extra help.”

Coming to a pause, she shakes her head. “Mallory, I came to ask why you aren’t with your mom?”

My heart stops. Literally stops.

No. No, she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t dare.

I swallow, but it feels like razor blades line my throat, so I’m fighting to maintain my composure as I wheeze out, “I think there’s been some mistake. Nobody’s coming for me today, Mrs. Elders. The trip was too expensive and—”

“Well, then she must have wanted to keep it a surprise because she checked in not that long ago and is waiting for you to meet her in the dining hall.”

My stomach drops and I think, for a moment, that I might pass out.

I’m so screwed.


Tentatively, I head toward the dining room, my heart in my throat. There’s no way Jenn’s here. Absolutely no way. Why would she risk coming out of hiding and being discovered? What could be so goddamn important, because I know it’s not me.

Bursting through the doors, I come to a stop and gaze around the large room. There are a few lingering parents and students who haven’t made it outside after checking in, but I don’t see any sign of Jenn. Then, my eyes fall on a familiar face. Relief rushes through me, and I almost burst into tears.

It’s Carley.

She’s sitting at a table by herself, smiling and waving at me. I run toward her, not giving a shit if anyone sees and thinks I’m weird or pathetic. She stands as I near and opens her arms. I fling myself into her embrace, choking on a happy sob.

“Oh, my God! What’re you doing here?” My question is muffled by her shirt, but I don’t want to step away from her yet. I want to soak up her warmth and love and let it heal my poor, shattered soul.

“Did you honestly think I would miss this weekend?” she asks with a chuckle. Pushing me gently back, she grins down at me, her blue eyes glossy with tears. “I wanted it to be a surprise. Did it work?”

“Um, yeah it did! I thought the trip would cost too much—”

“Well, you can thank your little friend Alondra for that part.”

My features crinkle into a deep frown. “What? What do you mean?”

Her expression turns mischievous as she replies, “She didn’t want you to be alone this weekend, so she stole my number from your phone when you were in the shower and invited me out. She even got her dad to pay for my ticket here and back.”

I’m stunned. I had no idea Loni was planning any of that. I want to cry again out of sheer joy and relief that I have people in my life that really, truly care for me.

“Well, baby girl. Are you going to show me around, or what?”

I release a heavy, contended breath and bob my head. “Yeah. Let me give you the tour … Mom.”

We both laugh as, arm in arm, we make our way out of the dining hall.

“I can’t believe we’re eating lunch with the freakin’ Juggernaut!”

I shoot a look toward Carley and shush her with a raised brow.

“You’re acting like a crazy fangirl. Calm down!”

Except she doesn’t calm down. She does the opposite of calm down. She Copyright 2016 - 2024