Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,70


Brody stood and answered Brie’s question, “There’s a raid, three buildings that Peña and Rubio used for business.”

Brie coughed but held up the hand Ryker wasn’t holding, stilling her brother’s movements. She finally drew in enough air to ask, “Is one of them a warehouse with a living area above?”

Ryker exchanged looks with Brody before he answered, “Yes.”

“That’s probably where he’s going. It’s where he killed those two men. The ones that took me from behind the restaurant.”

Ryker glanced at Brody and then met Chauncey's eyes as he asked, “The man that held you at the end of the pier killed them?”

Brie nodded. “I’m pretty sure he did. There were at least ten shots fired, maybe more.” She squeezed Ryker’s hand. “Go, do your job. I’ll be all right. Dad’s here and I can’t stand the thought of that man being out there.” She pushed her wet hair away from her neck. “He’s articulate and cunning, but there was no remorse in him. He didn’t want a war with the police and was willing to try to stop it, but everything in me told me that man would kill me if I didn’t do exactly as he said. He would have no problem with killing me or you or anyone else. None.”

Brody extended a hand to Ryker, but he ignored it. He cradled Brie’s hand and kissed her palm. “Are you sure?”

She closed her eyes and nodded before she answered, “Call me as soon as you can.”

It took everything he had not to let his voice crack. “I will. I love you.”

“I know. I love you, too. Go do your job then come home to me.” Brody once again offered him a hand up and he took the help, lifting off the wooden pier. He nodded to the Commissioner, who nodded back. Ryker followed Brody up the stairs. It was time to take these bastards down for good.

Chapter 18

“You should let them take you to the emergency room,” her father’s growl of disapproval floated her way once again.

Brie rolled her shoulders. “I didn’t drown. Yeah, I swallowed some of that crappy tasting water, but unless I get sick from that, I’m fine.” She’d spent the last three hours giving her statement at the end of the pier. Her clothes stank and so did she.

“You whacked your head against the blacktop,” her father retorted.

“I did. The paramedic said my eyes were fine––equal and reactive. I have a headache, but I’m sure that’s stress-related. I just want to go home, shower, and wait for Ryker.”

“Your mom is going to love fussing over you.”

Brie snapped her head in her dad’s direction. “Ah, no. Not that home. I want to go to my home and wait for Ryker.”

“You mean Blay’s apartment?” Her father’s brow creased in confusion.

“Yeah.” She needed to talk to Blay to see if he’d be willing to sell his apartment to them. She shrugged off that thought. She should probably wait to talk to Ryker before making major decisions like buying apartments.

“You’ll be alone there. You could have a concussion.” Her father crossed his arms over his chest.

“How about I call someone to come stay with me until Ryker clears up this... case? Is it a case?” She tipped her chin and looked at her dad. The grey at his sideburns was more pronounced. Bekki and Blay’s fault, not hers.

“It is a lot more than a single case. Your man is on the point of one of the largest busts we’ve had in the history of Hope City.” He winked at her. “Damn proud of you for picking one of the best cops on the force to fall in love with.”

She melted into a wide smile. “He is a good cop... Oh, Dad. The car that brought me to the harbor—someone other than the guy who talked to Ryker drove it. I think it was a cop because there was a cage in the back like a police vehicle has, the metal sheet that prevents someone from getting to the front seat. The car was burgundy red. At least the portion of the back door I saw was burgundy.”

Her father’s brow drew into deep creases. “Burgundy?”

“Yeah, weird, huh?”

He looked past her and nodded. “Really weird. Use my phone and make that call for someone to come stay with you.”

Brie narrowed her eyes at her father. “Why are you suddenly giving up? Do you know something about that car?”

He chuckled. “No, but I need to be available if I’m needed.”

“I’m not buying

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