Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,69

leveled his gun and shot the man who stood next to Brie on the deck of the speedboat.

The man twisted, losing his footing. He knocked Brie into the water but stayed in the boat as the driver slammed the throttle forward, launching the boat into the harbor.

There was no thought as he plunged into the water off the pier. With his near useless arm pinned to his side, he swam using a one-armed stroke to the place where he’d last seen Brie floundering. Filling his lungs with air, he dove. He could see her hair floating in the water. He grabbed at it, snatching a handful of her beautiful brown hair before he righted and kicked to the surface.

He arched his back and forced her to the surface across his chest. Kicking with his legs, he pushed her up past the surface of the water. Punching the water with his legs, he attempted to pierce the surface and fill his lungs, but he couldn’t. Fire-laced steel bands crushed his chest as he fought the urge to exhale.

A flurry of movement beside him removed Brie’s weight, giving him the buoyancy to surface. Gasping for air, someone grabbed him from behind. “Stop fighting, damn it, Cap! Brock’s got Brie, let me help you to the fucking dock.”

“I can swim.” He coughed, filled his lungs with air, and rolled from Brody’s hold and struck out with his one-armed sidestroke. Brody swam beside him and helped him up onto the water-level landing at the pier. Brock’s back as he bent over Brie prevented Ryker from seeing her. He crawled forward on his knees. The ball gag was gone, leaving horrendous impressions on her face, but her eyes were open, and she reached to him.

He grabbed her hand, dropped to his ass beside her, and pulled her to him with his good arm. Their tears merged with the saltwater from the harbor.

“I’m okay. I’m okay.” Her whispered affirmations seemed to be more for herself than for him, but he agreed with each statement and held her as tight as he could. When her words stilled, he rocked with her in his arms, kissing her forehead, unable to release her from the crushing hold, afraid that if he did, she’d disappear. Stupid and juvenile, but damn it, he’d almost lost her in that water. The fear of trying to keep her floating and the certainty that he was going to black out from a lack of oxygen had twisted his guts into a churning mess. Fuck, he was trembling, and damn it, tears still ran down his cheeks.

He whispered how much he loved her, trying to express with words the relief he was feeling having her in his arms. She burrowed closer, just like she did in bed as if she could meld their two bodies into one.

He closed his eyes and drew a steadying breath until he heard the thunderous sound of someone running down the wooden pier. Her father flew down the stairs and was beside them on the wood planking seconds later.

Ryker was unprepared for the massive bear hug that encompassed not only Brie but him as well. Brie's father said a prayer of thanks that rushed from his lips. He released Brie and her father gathered her in his arms, although Ryker never let go of her hand that she’d given him. He couldn’t lose the connection to her. Not yet.

“I could have killed you for diving off that damn pier.” He turned at Brody’s hoarse whisper, pulling his gaze away from Brie and her father.

“She would have died if he hadn’t.” Brock coughed and moved, the pool of water under him squelching around his jeans as he moved to lean back against the pier.

“How bad did you fuck up your shoulder?” Brody nodded his direction.

He moved it and winced as a bolt of pain traveled from his neck to his fingertips. “Not too bad.” Which was a fucking whale of a lie. He’d righteously screwed it up.

“Right,” Brody snorted.

“You boys get going. I’ve got Brie, and an ambulance is en route. Brock, the SWAT team is coordinating a search for that damn boat, get up there and flag down the ambulance crew, would you?”

Brock nodded and headed up the stairs. Brie squeezed Ryker’s hand. Her terrified gaze went straight to him. “Where are you going?”

Ryker’s eyes went to Brie’s immediately. “Brody, tell Terrence he has operational control.” He turned and brought her hand to his lips. “Nowhere, babe. I’m staying right

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