Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,48

A ripple of sensation shimmered across her skin. She leaned back as he thrust forward. The slow, languid way he was taking her was the reason her insides rippled, tightened, and sizzled. She threw her head back and gasped as she came. Her body seized around him as waves of pleasure engulfed her. She felt him climax and allowed herself to lower to her elbows. Panting to regain her breath, she reached around and grabbed his thigh. “You… okay?”

He rubbed her hip with his hand. “Yeah… Perfect… You?” He was breathless too.

“No. I’m kicking myself for not doing that sooner.” He moved away, and she flopped to the side. He dropped to his heels. God, what a sight he was. Sweaty from making love to her, he glistened.

She snorted and then laughed. At least he didn’t sparkle.

Ryker cocked his head and glared at her. “Laughing after sex should be a communal thing. Otherwise, one of us is likely to get a complex.”

She laughed harder and forced herself to crawl to where he sat. “I was laughing, but not at you. A joke that isn’t funny unless you’ve read vampire romance novels.”

He put his hand under her chin and dropped a kiss on her lips. “Sorry, never indulged.”

“Too bad. The sparkle joke was pretty––” A resounding knock at the front door stopped her response.

“What the hell?” She scrambled from the bed and threw on a robe.

“Don’t open the door without finding out who it is.” Ryker’s shout followed her down the hall.

“I’m not two!”

His, “Thank God,” reply made her snort another laugh.

“Who is it?” She sang the question loudly as she neared the door.

“Brie, it’s Brody. Have you checked your phone?”

She frowned and unlocked the locks, opening the door enough to see her brother. “Not lately. Why?”

He glanced down at her robe and rolled his eyes. “The horde is about to descend on you. I’ve diverted them to my place, but everyone and the McBrides are coming for Sunday dinner in about thirty minutes.” Brody waved at her robe. “You two need to get presentable and come upstairs.”

“What? Dinner isn’t until six!”

“They want to visit.” Brody gave her a fake-ass smile. “I’m heading to the store for beer and wine. Get upstairs and help Amber, will ya?”

“Yeah, of course. I just need to…”

Brody groaned and turned away. “I don’t want to know. Not ever.” He headed down the stairs. “Do you hear me? Never!”

She shut the door and fell against it. “Damn it.”


“We are having a family event.”


“Thirty minutes. Upstairs. The entire troop is descending.”

“Oh. Okay. I need to clean up.” Ryker turned and headed down the hall.

“Wait, aren’t you intimidated in the slightest?” She jogged across the plush carpet of the living room after him.

He stopped and turned. “Not in the slightest. I know most of them, and I’d like to meet your family.”

“But it’s not just my family. The McBrides are coming, too.”

“Babe, are you worried they won’t like me?” Ryker tugged her to him, carefully tucking her against his good shoulder. He kissed her hair and held her tightly.

“No. I guess I just don’t want you to not like them.”

“Babe, they’re important to you. I’ll like them. Now, let’s get cleaned up and get upstairs.”

Chapter 13

“Stop staring. He’s a big boy, he’ll be all right,” Tara McBride whispered as they put together a tray of finger foods from the hodgepodge of potluck dishes that had been streaming in the door for the last ten minutes.

“Was it this hard when Carter met your family?” She glanced up again, finding Ryker across the room talking to Brock and Brody. From the frowns on all of their faces, the conversation wasn’t pleasant. A tingle of apprehension zipped through her. “Oh, shoot. Should I interrupt?”

“No, look.” Tara nodded as the three men sought out her father, who was talking to Colm McBride. “It is probably business. Not a family issue.”

Her father’s smile diminished, and he folded his arms, focusing intently. He nodded his head and his eyebrows drew together. She agreed with Tara, “Yeah, looks like business.”

“He is gorgeous, Brie.” Tara bumped her with her hip and smiled.

Brie checked to make sure they were alone before she returned her friend’s smile. “I never imagined I could fall in love in three months’ time, but Tara, I’m lost. He is so wonderful.”

“When you meet the right man, you just know it. That was the way it was for me and Carter.” Tara grabbed one of the open wine bottles and motioned for her

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