Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,47

he’d never tire of looking at her. Those soft, feminine curves beckoned him closer. She shimmied out of the thong and met him halfway.

“Let’s get you out of this.” She kissed him until he groaned in urgency. With a sexy chuckle, she worked the safety pins, releasing his t-shirt, and then carefully helped him remove the material. The sling went next. He was careful to keep his arm tucked close to his body. Brie reached past him to one of the shelves. She peeled a clear plastic sheet off its backing and carefully placed it over the bandage already on the surgical incision. “This is going to pull your chest hair when we take it off.” She smoothed the sticky material onto his skin. “But it will keep your stitches dry and still allow you to relax.”

“You were planning on this?” He nodded to the jacuzzi.

“Since the moment you told me we could stay here. I asked the nurses what I could use to protect your surgical site. They got me several of these sheets. The PTs use them when they do hydrotherapy for knee replacements and such.” Her hands smoothed down his chest, past his arm that laid uselessly at his side and down to his waistband. She tugged the sweats and bent down with the effort. Her breath against his cock damn near made him pass out. He reached down with his good hand and threaded his fingers through her hair. She tapped his foot, and he lifted it. She repeated the process on the other side.

Brie cupped his erection and licked a hot, wet stripe up the underside of his cock. Fuck, yeah, her mouth was so damn good against him. She stood up and extended her hand. “Come with me.”

To the ends of the earth and beyond. All she had to do was ask, and he’d follow her anywhere. She got into the jacuzzi first and steadied him as he found his footing.

“I lowered the temperature last night. The nurses said not to make it too hot, but it’s warm enough to be comfortable.”

He leaned back against the molded seatback and fuck him if he didn’t feel like crying. The heat and the gentle movement of the jets were exactly what he needed. “Fuck, babe. This is perfect.” He swallowed hard and let his head fall back.

“No, not yet it isn’t.” She cupped his shaft, which popped his eyes open. Brie chuckled. “Shhh. You just sit there and enjoy. Doctor Brie’s orders.” She rolled to her side, perching her hip against a small molded ledge and freeing both hands. She kissed his good shoulder as she moved closer. “Just relax.” One hand cupped his balls, the other worked his shaft. Her tongue licked the rim of his ear and then funneled inside his ear in the same rhythm of her hand.

He shuddered and tightened his abs against a too-quick onslaught. “Babe, so good.” His head lolled against the seatback as he surrendered to her touch. Her fingers rolled his balls, giving them a small tug when she tightened her hand and squeezed the head of his cock. He grabbed her leg with his good arm, looking for something, anything, to ground him to her. She bit his earlobe, and that was it. His back arched against his orgasm. A zing of pain lanced from his shoulder to his fingertips as he came in her hand.

He reached for her after she removed the washcloth in which she’d captured his release. “Let me make you feel good.”

“You make me feel good just by being here beside me.” She held herself away from him. He could tell she was afraid she’d hurt him.

“Not the same thing.” He wanted to give her pleasure, to make her lose her mind and forget about the stress she was under, too.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea. I can wait until those stitches are out.” She licked up the column of his neck to his ear and whispered, “But when those stitches are gone, I’m going to ride you like a bucking bronco.”

He knew his woman. “Think you can last that long?”

“One hundred percent, Mr. Terrell.”

Brie braced herself, her arms against the headboard as Ryker slid into her from behind. She’d resisted his advances for two-and-a-half days. But today, he wanted her, and damn it, she needed him. His big hand held her hip as he eased out and then back in. His hot, hard cock electrified every nerve ending in her body.

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