Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,39

you need a place to stay.”

Ah, the eyes, yes, he could see the resemblance there, but unlike Brie and Brody, Blay’s coloring was lighter and his facial features were stronger or perhaps more squared off. His mind caught up with the conversation. “Wait. They called you about me? Is that why you’re here?”

“Nah, I’m here because one of our guys got his ankle tweaked when he fell through some floorboards at a house fire this morning. The rest of the team is two floors down.” He adjusted the radio on his hip. “I can’t be gone long, but I wanted to pop up and tell you I may have a solution for you.”

“I didn’t ask for help, but thank you.” He was going to look for a place to stay today because Carl was right, the doc was making him stay one more night. He had time to figure something out.

Blay tipped his head back and laughed, his arms wrapped around his stomach. “Oh, man, you are so screwed. Mom already has your life arranged for the foreseeable future.”

Ryker narrowed his eyes. “How?”

“Well, see, I’ve been renovating an apartment. I was going to move in next weekend. I’ve been couch surfing with Rory while I put the finishing touches on the place. She suggested that I offer you the apartment until they catch whoever has it out for you.”

“You don’t need to do that. I’m sure I can find a place.”

The guy sobered quickly. “Dude, have you met my mom? It’s either my apartment or their house. You want to use my apartment. Trust me.”

“Yeah, again, I appreciate the offer, but your mom doesn’t run my life.” He was forty-six, damn near forty-seven years old. He could find his own place to stay.

The guy laughed again walking back to the door, HCFD sprawled in print across the back of his shirt. He stopped, shaking his head as he turned. “You have so much to learn.” He braced his arm against the door jamb. “Got to tell you, I thought you’d be younger.”

Ryker flew his middle finger at the guy, which earned him another laugh. “Oh, dude, I’m not criticizing. If you have the energy and the drive to keep up with Brie, you’re okay in my book. Now Brock, he may be just a bit more miffed. You made him do math, man.”

Ryker rubbed his face. What the hell was this guy talking about? Fuck, no more pain pills. He was having problems keeping up with this conversation. “Excuse me?”

He laughed again and shook his head. “You realize they figured out how old you’ll be when you and Brie have kids, right?”

“Kids?” His voice strangled a bit. Kids? Who said anything about kids? Did he want kids? Well, yeah. Maybe. Probably.

“Yep. Anyway, the offer is there to use the apartment. It is a keyed entry building, oh, and your sergeant owns it. Cozy, that’s what it would be. Mighty cozy, especially if Brie is going to stay with you.”

“Yeah, thanks but no thanks.”

“Think about it. It is better than the alternative. Besides, Rory is going to let me hang with him at his place. Actually, I’m teaching him how to lay flooring so I’m not wearing out my welcome.”

That was the second time Brie’s brother mentioned that name. Was that a relative, a brother she hadn’t mentioned? “Rory?”

“McBride. Our next-door neighbors. Brie told you about the McBrides, right? Colm is retired CIA and Sean’s a homicide detective. Tara McBride is married to Carter Fiske, he’s a narcotics detective, then there’s Kyle, also narcotics, but you should know those guys, seeing how you’re the JDET Commander. Rory and I are the odd ones out. Rory is a paramedic and I’m HCFD, but hey, every family needs a non-conformist.” He leaned his shoulder on the door jamb. “But seriously. You and Brie, that’s cool, but don’t make the mistake of thinking we won’t hunt you down if you hurt our sister.” The man winked at him and left.

Ryker dropped his head back onto the pillow. “Holy shit.”

Chapter 11

Brie parked behind her restaurant with the phone wedged between her shoulder and her ear. “Mom, thanks again, but no, we aren’t staying at the house with you and Dad. Ryker and I are looking for somewhere to stay today. I need to stop and make sure everyone is set at the restaurant before I head to the hospital.”

“Have you talked to Blay? He will let Ryker take his apartment in Brody’s building until all

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