Ryker (Hope City #6) - Kris Michaels Page 0,38

for him. Lord knows I can’t. However, we’d like to get to know you again. When we were younger, you were our hero.” Xander smiled. “You taught me to stand up for myself.”

“And you helped build that birdhouse. You ignited my passion for building.” Killian added. “And it was you that taught Dimitri to ride that damn mini-bike. He credits you for getting him into motocross.”

“Another strike against me, according to Benjamin, no doubt,” Ryker chuffed in response. Dimitri had been a champion motocross rider and catapulted that experience into launching a new federation of racing that was taking root worldwide.

“You were always there for us. Until he made you leave,” Xander confirmed. “Mom tried to hide how sad she was when you left. But we could tell.”

His nerves throbbed, exposed, bloody and raw. He’d shoved all the heart-wrenching emotions about his mother’s death away, forcing them behind doors he’d never let his mind open again. The sudden appearance of his half-brothers and their admissions threatened to unlock those barriers.

“Why are you here?” He let his gaze travel first to Xander and then to Killian.

“Because I want to get to know my big brother again.” Xander’s voice was deep with emotion.

“I want that, too.” Killian stood and shoved his hands in his jeans pockets. “And to tell you if you ever need anything not to go to cousin Andreas,” Killian chuckled. “He was really butthurt the house he was flipping had bullet holes in it.”

A surprised bark of laughter shot from Ryker. “Well, let me tell you, that wasn’t something we expected.” He winced and leaned a bit to ease his shoulder.

“I hear from your girlfriend that you’re a highly decorated officer.” Xander smiled at him. “I’m not surprised. I always knew you’d be amazing at whatever you set your mind to do.”

Ryker grunted. “I’m just a cop.”

“A captain in charge of a highly-decorated, multi-jurisdictional drug enforcement team. I did a little research after Brianna told us about your commendations.” Xander glanced at his watch. “And I need to go, I have a new client coming into town today.” He placed his hand on Ryker’s foot. “I mean it, Ry. We need you in our lives.”

He nodded, the emotion tightening his throat, preventing any comment. Killian stood and moved beside Xander. “I’ll go now, too. But I’ll be back. Can I bring you lunch? Maybe a gyro from Aunt Tallie’s?”

Ryker smiled at that. Aunt Tallie’s was on the other side of the city. It had been Killian’s favorite when he was little. The food would be a wet mess before Killian could get it here. “Nah, I’m good.”

He watched his brothers leave and closed his eyes. Not because they were leaking. No. He was just tired.

“All right. I have the scissors and the safety pins. And just in time, the doctor is next door.” Carl, his nurse, buzzed in and grabbed the hem of his shirt. The razor-sharp scissors made quick work of the cotton from hem to armpit and the fabric opened. Carl dropped the scissors into his pocket and quickly attached two safety pins to the fabric under his sling-hobbled arm. “Next time, ask for help.” Carl checked his watch. “You’re due your meds soon. How’s the pain?”

“Manageable if I don’t move too much.” Actually, he didn’t hurt as much as he’d expected. It was the weakness after the surgery that was kicking his ass.

“That’s good. Oh, here’s the doctor.” Carl turned and gave him a wide-eyed stare. The ‘I saved your ass’ look made him chuckle.

He dealt with the doctor’s poking and prodding, took a pain pill, and dozed for a while. A knock brought him from a light sleep. Ryker sized up the big man. Broad shoulders, heavy muscles, and a short haircut. He didn’t know this guy and, given the fact the man was wearing the duty uniform for Hope City Fire Department, the man probably had the wrong room. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah... no. I think I can help you, though.” The guy crossed his arms. The shoulders and biceps on the guy were thick with corded muscle, but he didn’t seem menacing, although the fixed stare could burn a hole through him.

Ryker arched an eyebrow. It was about as much energy as he had right now. “Exactly how do you plan on that? Am I on fire?”

The guy shook his head and then laughed. “Dude, I’m sorry. My name is Blay. I’m Brie’s younger brother. Mom and Dad called last night. I understand

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