Ryan's Love - C.A. Harms Page 0,17


I opened my mouth to answer, only to stop when I looked over his shoulder and saw Ryan stepping up behind him. His eyes were narrowed in on Booker’s back, and he looked irritated.

“You harassing this pretty lady, Book?” he asked.

Booker didn’t even turn around. “Nope, just trying to figure out what time I can pick her up for dinner is all.”

My eyes connected with Ryan’s as his jaw muscle ticked with frustration. “Well,” he gritted out, “that would be kind of hard to do, considering she’ll already be at dinner with me.”

My eyes grew wide at his words. He noticed my look of surprise and chuckled. I tried to clear the shock off my face as I wondered if he was actually being serious.

“You?” Booker asked as he spun around to face Ryan. “Hell, you don’t date. You’ve never even considered it since Claire—” He stopped immediately, and Ryan’s expression shifted from amusement to a fiery rage that even had me cowering.

“Sorry, Ry, I didn’t mean to.” Booker ran his hand through his hair. “Shit, man, I’m sorry.”

The atmosphere in the room had just shifted. Those who had heard Booker’s comment were now turned around, staring at the two men as if waiting to see what would happen next. I wondered if a fight was about to break out, and the idea made my stomach drop. I wasn’t sure why Claire wasn’t an okay topic or why Ryan’s once-cocky demeanor had done a complete one-eighty when Booker mentioned her.

Ryan leaned past Booker into the counter and laid a twenty next to the register.

“That’s for my tab.” He paused, running his hand over the light stubble covering his chin. “Keep the change,” he said just before turning to leave.

Chapter Nine


I walked out of the bakery feeling like I had been punched in the stomach. The air in my lungs felt as if it was too thick. My throat was on fire and my chest was tight as anguish filled me. It took every ounce of control I had not to punch Booker in his cocky mouth.

I took a chance and put myself out there. I didn’t like the idea of Amber going out with Booker, so I went in with confidence, hoping she would take my offer over his. But within minutes Booker had blindsided me, and I bolted before I did something I would regret.

“Hold up, Ry,” Noah called out as he jogged to catch up with me. “What the hell just happened in there?”

“Everyone says, ‘Give it a chance,’ so I did. I asked Amber out.” I forced a chuckle. “Well, actually, I sorta said we already had a date when I heard Booker asking her out.”

Noah grinned because he sensed what that meant. If I wasn’t interested in Amber, I would have left well enough alone.

“Hell, I don’t know what’ll come of it. I’m not sure I’m ready, but how will I know if I don’t take a shot? But then that asshole threw Claire into the conversation, and I instantly felt like it was all a mistake.”

Noah’s expression shifted to one of anger.

“Booker is an asshole, but you can’t let that guy get under your skin. He doesn’t always think before he speaks.”

I kicked back against the cruiser, crossing my feet at my ankles.

“Ryan, you took the initiative to put yourself back out there,” Noah went on. “You may not be ready to jump in headfirst, but you’re ready to give it a test drive. That right there says something.”

He stepped closer and leaned back against the car with me. “Don’t let someone like him set ya back. We’ve had this talk a hundred different times, and Pop’s told you too, so I won’t get into it again. I’ll just say I know Claire would have wanted you to find happiness again.”

“I know.” I had been thinking about that a lot lately, especially since I couldn’t get Amber’s smile out of my head. I still felt guilty, but new possibilities excited me at the same time. I told myself every day that I would never forget Claire, but it was time for me to try to open up again.


When I got home from work, I took a quick shower, then threw on a T-shirt and a pair of jeans. I had a very hard task ahead that weighed heavy on me, but I had to do it because it was only fair. Olivia was old enough to know I’d decided to start dating again. I couldn’t

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