Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,93

is ready for yours! You don’t even need foreplay because I am soaking wet!”

“You’re right. You are very wet,” Knox purred, pushing his fingers against my opening.

“You need this too!”

“I do. I want nothing more than to push into your needy flesh and feel you clenching against me as I stretch you, forcing my way into your tight body. But, I also enjoy knowing you’re thinking about fucking me, needing me to act on your desires.”

“You can’t walk away from me. You want this more than I do!”

“Do I, though?” he asked, smirking as fire danced in his eyes. “I can outwait you, woman. I am a very patient man.”

“You don’t need patience, Knox. It’s ready and willing. You want me, and I want you. It’s pretty much idiot-proof.”

“Is that so? Too bad neither of us will be coming today then, huh?” He pulled me with him as he moved to the edge of the bed. “As I said, I rather enjoy you sexually frustrated and unable to reach down and stroke that swollen clit, which I could so easily do. One stroke and you’d sing so prettily for me, wouldn’t you?”

“Yes,” I mused, watching the heat sparkling in his eyes. “I can beg. I’m not above begging.” I ground my teeth in frustration as his lips spread into a wicked smile.

“I’m going to pass,” he whispered, and my eyes bulged. “You see, I have waited much longer to get fucked before, and I’m very aware that you’re in need and won’t be able to say no soon.”

“I’m not saying no, now,” I pointed out because I was starting to agree with my creature. He wasn’t smart.

“My wife couldn’t take me often, and in the first fifty years of our marriage, we had sex twice. I can count how many times she and I were intimate on my fingers. I was married to Liliana for two hundred years.” I deflated at the mention of his wife, swallowing back the anger that he’d compare us until I calculated the math within my sex-starved mind.

Knox released me, sensing the unease his words caused. I stepped back, frowning as Knox rested his arms on his legs, scowling. He had ten fingers, and they’d been together for two hundred years?

“I never strayed from Liliana for pleasure. I respected her body’s limits, knowing that every time I took her, she screamed and begged me to stop, and I did. I was a virile male who couldn’t fuck my wife because my cock hurt her delicate body. So I can wait because I have waited longer than this to feel the pleasure that I craved and wanted Aria.”

I moved closer to him, cupping his cheeks as he lifted his head to stare up at me. “If you were mine, your cock wouldn’t ever get out.”

“Out of what?”

“My vagina,” I elaborated. “I’d want you in my body every moment of every day. You are an amazing lover, generous, and very giving. I’m also very greedy and needy for you. I wish you wouldn’t have told me how patient you are. I’m pretty sure my vagina is weeping at the idea of waiting for you to get into it now.” I closed my eyes against the look burning in his. “Ten times in two hundred years? And you never strayed because you loved her that much,” I swallowed, moving away from him as he reached for me. “No, don’t,” I exhaled, grabbing the clothes laid out for me.

“She was my heart, Aria.”

“I’m aware. I’m also aware of why I’m here too. My bloodline took your family, and I’m a sit-in-bitch until you’re finished waging war against the witches. Once that is done, I’ll be disposable. I know it, yet I’m too stupid to understand the magnitude of what is coming. I keep thinking that if I try hard enough, and I fix the wrongs of what my bloodline did, I can make this world a better place, and then people would forgive us. I can’t bring back the dead, though, and therein lies the problem. I can’t fix it because I can’t give people back what they’ve lost. I can stick a Band-Aid on it, but wounds fester. I’m such an idiot. I honestly thought I could make a difference, but everyone wants us dead. Not just you, everyone. That’s why I’ve ended up with the two options I could take. I could cave to reality and give this world a massively gothic makeover that ends in fire Copyright 2016 - 2024