Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,84

or even the power that runs through my veins, you stupid child. I have been the High Queen of Vãkya since Hecate herself placed me on the throne!”

“Then I’d say you’re long overdue for a vacation. Hecate never allowed witches to touch darkness; for once they had, the darkness took their souls. Face it, you’re old news, and I’m here to replace your cancerous ass. You betrayed the witches of the Nine Realms, forcing them to reach for darkness! You could have let the magic go, to return to the land, replenishing it. Your greed sent our people into ruins! You suck as a ruler, and you will face me!”

“Says who? You’ve been gone a long time, little witch, and so has Hecate. We’ve changed the laws. The witches bow to me, or they die. You have no claim to my throne. You’re not strong enough, not even close. I have the power of the darkness, and you’re still soaked in the light. I deny your challenge and your right to the crown.”

“Did she just tell me no?” I asked, creasing my brow, turning to find Brander glaring at the witch.

“No, she can’t, per the laws of the Nine Realms,” he said.

Magic rushed toward us without warning. Holding up my hands up, I chanted in the ancient language of my ancestors, pulling her toward me while she struggled to remain in place. The magic slammed against me, and Brander grabbed my wrists, freeing my magic as the children behind me screamed in fear.

I focused on the witch, forcing her light to the surface. I didn’t stop, not even as she began howling in horror at the feeling of purity slithering up from her rotting soul. Her eyes changed to a startling blue as the blackness sucked back into Ilsa, who held control while I freed the witch she wielded like a puppet. The screaming intensified as the witch’s skin turned unmarked, and her soul rose to the surface, forced by the magic I was drawing.

I shouted the chant louder, continuing the words while she hissed, begging for me to stop. Sweat beaded my brow, running in rivulets down my face from the energy I used. I forced the oily, evil magic out of her, pushing it back into the source, following it to Ilsa’s location. I was moments away from removing it when a blade slid through her throat, and her head went sailing into the water, floating beside the serpent’s head.

The connection to the magic broke, and my knees gave out. I sank bonelessly into the murky water. Brander placed the cuffs on my wrists, staring down at me with worry-filled eyes. I struggled to stand, only to fall back down, until Brander helped me up.

“What the hell is happening to her?” Knox yelled, moving closer to us from the opposite bank.

“You broke the connection,” Siobhan stated, walking to where I gasped for air. “You sent the magic Aria was using off with the High Queen of Witches, giving her an extra kick of magic. That means your witch is drained, and the queen isn’t. You need to get Aria someplace safe because right about now, Ilsa knows your witch is a sitting duck. She will call upon all dark witches to come for her now because she’s defenseless against them. We need to go now.”

Brander reached down, dragging me fully out of the water before trudging toward the shore. Knox appeared from thin air in front of us, pulling me into his arms. He lifted me, shouting orders to the surrounding men while they grabbed the young witches, rushing toward the wagons with them. I moaned, pain slicing through me with the abrupt emptiness of my magic. My soul felt drained along with the magic Knox had just spoon-fed Ilsa.

“We’re using horses now, woman,” Knox announced. I nodded weakly, wrapping my arms around his neck, allowing his body to heat mine. “You should have warned me about breaking a connection.”

“I’m not used to anyone helping me fight, Knox,” I admitted, leaning closer to him. He brushed his cheek against my forehead, handing me off to Killian to mount his horse before accepting me up into his lap. He adjusted my legs to wrap around his waist, pulling his cloak off to warm my trembling body.

“Get used to it. You’re not alone anymore, Little Witch. Head to the Killamore Keep, and meet us there,” Knox shouted to the other lords, most of whom were busy gathering the children who Copyright 2016 - 2024