Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,83

was such a rare occurrence that it shocked his brothers and best friend. A quick look at Brander and Killian, who mirrored Lore’s shock, confirmed it, and I snorted. Greer, on the other hand, smiled at me mischievously.

“Nothing. I take it back. Game on, Sir Seduce A Lot.”

Chapter Twenty-Two

I stood in the creek, soaking my sore feet in its chilled depths. Knox played with the toddler, holding her hands to keep her up as she entered the water and began splashing with her feet. I waded in deeper, uncaring that I was about to get drenched with a child in my arms. Hunching down, I wet my hands to cool my neck with them. Knox watched me, lowering his eyes to the child asleep in the carrier at my chest.

Men approached us, and Knox turned back into the king the moment they spoke. Called away, Brander took his place, sitting on a large boulder, peeling an apple as he pretended not to watch me.

Splashing started, and I cried out, turning toward the shore as everyone laughed at my expense. The children played in the water, splashing me. Turning toward them, I sprayed them back, protecting the babe’s face from getting wet. I squealed while they continued to douse me with water, giggling hysterically when I made a face of horror as they all began splashing me together.

Siobhan moved in beside me, holding her arms out for the sleeping babe who had protested as an unwilling participant in the water fight. Carefully supporting her head, I handed her off before turning, smiling as the children screamed in excitement. Laughing, they started running through the water to escape me. I hiked my skirt up to give chase, even as I grabbed one, preventing her from slipping on the slick bottom of the creek.

“No!” I shouted, and they spun around, forcing me to do the same. I leaned toward the water, cupping it in my hands to send it back at them. They squealed, laughing freely while we soaked one another.

Brander sat with a slice of apple halfway to his lips. His eyes dropped to the dress where my nipples responded to the ice-cold water. I waited, slowing down as the children prepared to drench me again, scrunching up my face. Flattening my hands, I turned to soak them, and peals of laughter exploded when I slapped water toward them, enjoying the sound of their happiness before something dark slithered against me.

“Get to the shore now!” I screamed loudly, turning to look at the water as something lunged from its depths without warning.

My nails extended, and I rattled, raising my arms and spinning to sever the head of a slimy, long body in one swift, calculated move. I was certain I’d had nothing to do with that since the rattle escaping me was all monster and no Aria. A large, very dead snake floated on the surface before sinking into the water.

Brander was beside me in the next instant as a dark figure walked down the embankment on the other side of the creek. A dark veil hid her face, and her bare arms were black, covered in pulsing glyphs that increased her power.

“We have heard your challenge, Princess Aria. The witches of the Nine Realms have answered your call. Your blood is impure, your heart tainted, and your body loose for your enemy’s cock. Our queen, however, still wishes to meet with you. Your challenge for her crown intrigued her, considering the blood running through your veins lacks the purity required to sit upon the throne.”

“It wasn’t only about blood. The law states that when a challenge is issued to the queen, each party must meet on the field of battle to ascertain who is more powerful and the rightful witch to sit upon the High Throne of Witches. I have enough Hecate blood in my veins to challenge Ilsa,” I growled, watching as her eyes glazed from white to black, with ooze running down her face. “I hereby challenge you for the throne, you evil bitch. You betrayed Hecate, and I am your executioner. Meet me on the field of battle and fight me.”

“You’re an abomination, Aria Hecate!” the witch hissed as spittle escaped her lips, mixed with black discharge.

“My mother called me much worse, Ilsa, High Queen of Vãkya,” I snorted, unimpressed with her display of power.

“I will murder you, Aria!”

“I’m right here, come get me bitch,” I challenged, holding my hands into the air.

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