Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,65

could call down the stars to burn the worlds to nothing more than ash if I felt like it. What surprised me and everyone else that witnessed my destruction was that I had tapped into the Nine Realms’ power. That power enabled me to rebuild and restore the meadows, creating life from blood and ash.

“Drink. You’ve earned it, Aria,” Lore chuckled, bumping my arm while smiling from ear to ear.

I turned my gaze on him slowly. He went silent the moment my eyes locked with his, finding nothing in them other than cold detachment. Lore swallowed, swinging his gaze to Knox, who continued to stare at me and then back at the field in which we sat.

Men piled meat on the table, glancing at me before walking off. Lord Carter sat beside Knox, his eyes still wide like an owl’s as he studied me from where he sat across from me. I placed my hands on the table, and he jumped backward, falling from his chair, which should have caused some joy, but it didn’t. Instead, I felt only fear and emptiness for Callista’s future.

“Do not raise your hands at me, witch!” Lord Carter snapped, climbing from the ground, staring at where I’d simply folded them on the table.

Knox took in the position of my hands before turning to look at Lord Carter, who was a pretty shade of green. Knox looked at the plate in front of me and lifted his eyes to hold mine.

“Eat, Aria,” Knox demanded.

“No, thank you, Your Majesty.” I slid my eyes away from his, staring toward the covered cage, unable to look away as the fear of it activating slithered through my mind.

“Eat your food,” Knox insisted.

I reached down, grabbing the plate and tossing it over my shoulder, hearing someone grunt behind me. The goblet followed as Knox, narrowing his eyes on me as if he was searching for something to say. Instead, he slid his eyes back to where the castle once stood, frowning.

“Would you like anything else to eat or drink?” Greer asked, and I glared at Knox.

“No, thank you, sir,” I whispered demurely, and Knox frowned at my tone.

“Drink with me, Aria,” Lore whispered, leaning against my shoulder.

“No, thank you, sir,” I repeated, and he exhaled as Knox stood, moving around the table to grab my arm.

He yanked me from the table and pulled me behind him to the tent where he turned, closing the curtain, spinning around to stare at me. “You blew up an entire fucking castle. How the hell did you do that?”

“I told you.” I waited for him to speak again.

“Get on the bed,” Knox ordered. I reached for the straps of the dress, but his hands captured mine, holding them. “Leave it on, Aria.”

“As you wish, Your Majesty.” I walked to the bed, standing beside it. “How would you like me positioned?” Knox stared at me, pushing his fingers through his hair.

“Sit down, woman.” He glared at me as I sat, crossing one leg over the other, looking up at him. Knox sat beside me, placing his hand on my leg, and I stared at it like it was a bug I couldn’t remove. “Callista is safe from harm. Her cage doesn’t move unless I make it. Do you understand me?”

“I understand,” I replied.

“Say something else, woman.”

“Whatever you wish,” I muttered.

“Ride me,” Knox commanded, and I swallowed as anger slithered through me.

Silently, I stood and removed my dress as he watched. The garment pooled on the ground at my feet, and I stepped out of it. Knox leaned back, crossing his arms behind his head as I bent down, unbuttoning his pants while he allowed it. He waited for me to straddle his body before rolling us, and I peered up at him, offering a deadened stare of boredom.

He lowered his mouth, kissing me slowly even though I failed to kiss him back. Lifting his head, he stared down at me with heat burning in his eyes.

“Kiss me, Aria,” he stated, and I lifted, placing a soft kiss against his mouth before spreading my legs.

“Get it over with quickly. I am tired, Master,” I whispered, turning to look away from him as my hands fisted the furs on the bed, and tears slipped from my eyes.

“Is that so? From my viewpoint, it took you less than ten minutes to decimate an entire castle, and with it, over five thousand enemies, along with powerful dark magic witches.” Knox sat up, staring down at me.

“Five minutes and ten Copyright 2016 - 2024