Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,64

see her soon and that I am coming for her fucking head,” I snarled, ripping the dark witch’s head from her torso with the anger still rushing through me. I turned, glaring at Knox and the silent army that all stared at the flowering field behind me.

I tossed her head at his feet the moment her magic dropped, and the barrier fell. His eyes lowered to the head before slowly sliding to take me in, unable to look away. I closed the distance to him, holding up my arms for his magic nulling cuffs.

“How the fuck did you do that?” Knox whispered.

“Easy. I simply imagined a world where my sisters no longer existed, and I decided I’d rather burn it to the fucking ground than allow it to continue without them. That was merely a sliver of my power. Don’t make me show you my true strength. You have my attention. Do I have yours, King Karnavious?” I whispered so softly that I wasn’t sure he had heard me, but then the entire battlefield had filled with silence at what I’d done.

Knox replaced the cuffs, lifting his eyes to the field before slowly sliding them back to mine. A single tear slid from my eye to roll down my cheek. “I’ll be in my kennel, Master,” I whispered, moving through the crowd that parted quickly, fear etching their faces as I walked by them.

Knox’s marked witches stopped whispering to bow as I passed them, uttering blessings to me. I ignored them, unwilling to bless anything. They spoke my name in awe and horror, fear etching their tone at the taste of the power I’d unleashed to show Knox precisely what I’d been holding back from him.

Pausing before I entered the tent, I slid my attention to Callista, who watched me with wide, horrified eyes. Her confused stare moved back to the meadow that still had flowers blooming throughout it, pulling from the blood that had dripped from my wounded shoulder, feeding the land my power.

I could destroy this world, but I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to fix it, but if Knox or the dark witches thought fucking with my family was an option, I had to show them what happened if they did. I had to show just how badly that mistake would end for them and the entire Nine Realms.

“I love you, Callista,” I whispered, knowing she’d hear me.

Her hands touched the bars as she leaned against them, nodding her head. Soft blue eyes filled with silent tears while she stared at me from her cage. She mouthed the same, her hand moving to her heart as silent tears rolled from my eyes.

Five minutes.

It had taken me five minutes once Knox had freed me of his command to end the fight they’d been battling for almost seven days. Could I do it again? I probably could if he pissed me off enough to bring the same rage to my soul. Considering it was Knox, there was a high probability.

If Knox or anyone else killed my family, I’d bring him the ending he craved. I’d set the entire world on fire and watch it burn to ashes, letting him live in the chaos of the remains.

Chapter Seventeen

One of Knox’s men pulled me from the cage and sat me at a table where people celebrated the battle’s victory. I wasn’t celebrating shit with them. A woman poured whiskey into a goblet and pushed it in front of me, but I refused to drink with them. My anger and fear hadn’t dissipated, nor would it until I knew Callista was free and away from Knox’s rage.

Knox silently studied me, along with the others who sat with us at the table. I stared through them to the cage that held my sister. I felt no hunger or need. My magic had drained, and I fought the need to still the trembling within me. It was dangerous to drain so much of my power, but I wasn’t stupid. I knew Knox would never release me now, not after seeing the destruction in which I was capable.

I’d held back, forcing myself not to expose the true force of what I could unleash, in case anyone was watching. Now he knew. He’d witnessed the fiery storm that rained from the skies upon my call, the anger that I released from fear and frustration. Knox knew he not only held the strongest Hecate witch, but now he knew my other half relied on fire.

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