Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,181

Aria opened her eyes, and I narrowed my gaze on her. Did she know Aine’s plan and how her body had suddenly vanished?

“Of course we buried her. In a few years, we will check to see her recovery process,” I lied, choosing not to reveal that Aine’s body was gone. I slowly moved to the bed to sit beside her as she grimaced. “Aria, it will take your sister some time to heal.”

“It wasn’t just hemlock in that fountain, and Aine wasn’t part of the crap that happened here,” she said softly, searching my face. “My sisters were trying to get me out because you’re a little unstable and very unpredictable, Knox. And while I’m being honest, you’re a huge fucking asshole that bit my throat like a caveman trying to mark his territory. You might as well have peed on my leg.” Lore chuckled, causing my attention to swing to him before he went silent.

I turned, finding everyone in the room covering their mouths to hide the humor they found at my expense. Frowning, I looked back to see Aria staring at the bed she’d rearranged every time she prepared to take me. She sniffed it, smiling as she slowly righted the blankets back into order. Looking around the room, I noticed everyone watching intently as she leaned over to sniff the sheets again.

“What are you doing?” I asked, unable to look away from her nesting.

Aria turned, smiling at me before her eyes narrowed, slowly sliding back to the blankets. She backed up without warning, forcing me to catch her before she toppled from the bed. Aria tilted her head at different angles and then slowly exhaled.

“I have no freaking idea what I am doing. It smells―right. It isn’t right, though. It’s…” Aria leaned over, pushing the sheet further across before tipping her head. “Yup, I’m bat-shit-crazy and obsessing over sheets.”

“What’s not right about it, Aria?” Brander asked softly.

“It’s not filled.”

“Filled with what?” Killian asked, and Aria smiled as she faced away from them, staring at the bed.

“Bones. It needs bones and your hearts,” she whispered, turning to look at them as they backed up. “I’m totally fucking with you, assholes. I honestly don’t know what it’s missing.” Aria leaned back into my arms, and I swallowed, smiling as the men exhaled in relief.

“If you want, wife,” I whispered against her ear, “I can get you some bones. You can add them to your nest, and then we can invite my brothers and Killian over for dinner?”

“Well, I mean, your gifts so far have sucked,” she snorted, leaning over to push the blanket again. “I need a bath,” she announced, turning to stare at me, her gaze lowering to my neck with heat burning in her eyes.

“See something you want?”

“Nope,” she chuckled. “I’m going to pass and take a bath if I can. I smell like you, and it’s annoying my senses and making me act strangely and a little crazy. So, can I wash my vagina that you’ve apparently enjoyed a lot, husband?”

“You don’t like my scent?” I hated the way she’d said husband while insulting me. I was the High King, yet she acted as if I was just another man. It was unnerving and endearing. I wanted her to like my scent.

“I like it, but I’m covered in it, Knox. Like, I’m starting to wonder exactly how I am covered in it, ya know. I barely recall having sex, but I feel like we had a lot of it. Like, I’m sore in all the right places.” Aria leaned over, which caused Lore to fall out of his chair as her mouth slid against mine hungrily. “I think I need to be sorer, Knox. Like now,” she hissed, and I rattled, pressing her down onto her nest as I freed myself, pushing into her body as the men watched.

“Out!” I shouted, moaning as her body clenched around mine. She purred in an erotic tone, finishing me off before they’d even exited the room. I vaguely registered a collective groan, sliding my gaze to where my men stood, staring down at their pants and then at Aria.

“What the fuck did she just do to my dick!” Lore cried, bending over as he placed his hands on his knees. “That’s never happened to me before!”

A quick glance at Brander and Killian told me that whatever Aria had done, it had finished four alphas off from her soft purr without needing to touch them. It tempered my pride, but Copyright 2016 - 2024