Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,180

the bitch,” Killian snapped, downing his drink as Brander and Lore echoed his statement. “She fucking cries when strangers die. She sings to babes that she doesn’t even know and has water fights with children. Who the fuck does that? Aria’s a Hecate witch. They’re supposed to be cunts that are easy to hate.”

“You’re pissed because you don’t hate Aria?” I clarified.

“I hate that Aria makes you laugh, which is something you have not done in a very long time. I hate that she’s so easily likable. That she can make that cankerous asshole, Greer, into putty while calling him Meat Suit. I hate that she isn’t a bitch that I can hate,” Killian grumbled, refilling the glasses.

“Killian, you’re supposed to be the one asshole in the bunch who wouldn’t let us forget who she was. You failed me, my friend. It still doesn’t change what happened. During this slaughter, her family was here, and I will not lie to the heads of the rebellion about it, not for a Hecate witch. The Kenley’s have fallen, and they were some of our oldest allies. The part of their army that had remained here to defend the stronghold is missing. Siobhan, who knows too fucking much, is in the hands of Aurora Hecate. That in itself is rather worrisome considering I never thought it would be Siobhan who betrayed us.”

“Why? Because you fucked her once?” Brander scoffed.

“No. Because her tongue was guarded against lying to me or any of you assholes,” I admitted, narrowing my eyes on Brander as he crossed his arms.

“What if Aria wasn’t planted or created to be the perfect bait, brother? What if she’s just a girl born into a bad bloodline?” he asked, turning to level me with a questioning gaze.

“It doesn’t change anything. Aria is a puppet queen, one that I intend to sit on the Throne of Vãkya and rule through. Once Ilsa is out of the way, the dark witches will challenge Aria’s right to the throne, and they will fall by our blades, which will be waiting for them. As my wife, I am entitled to her lands, her throne, and her bed. I can defend her by any means necessary.”

“And if you create life, Knox? What happens to your children?” Brander countered, sitting beside Aria as he stared at me.

“I can’t create life, Brander.”

“Forget your ghosts for a moment, brother. It’s just us now. Your brothers and your best friend,” Brander growled, challenging me. “What happens if you or Lennox can place a babe into Aria’s belly? Will your son or daughter rule the Nine Realms, or would you treat them the same as their mother?”

“Aria can’t even figure out how to open her damn womb or return the mark, brother. Your point is fucking useless.”

“You don’t know that she doesn’t need to open it, Knox. You don’t even know what the fuck she is; none of us do!” Brander stood, moving to the table to lean over it. “That’s a fucking nest that she is in right now. Aria has spent over two weeks being fucked by you and you alone. She’s breeding. We can all smell it on her. Maybe she can’t open her womb because it’s already fucking open. Maybe Aria can’t return the mark because she isn’t like us. Now think about this. Aria is a Hecate witch, and your child will be a Karnavious prince or princess. Hell, you’ll probably get two kids out of the deal, considering her bloodline. I doubt you’ll get a fucking son, though, since he’d be born dead,” Brander hissed, and I lunged, punching him as he hit my back.

“Fuck you!” I snarled, turning as Aria sat up, peering over at us with a raised brow. I had Brander’s shirt twisted in my hand with my fist inches from his face. He had his claws into my shoulders, moving to knee me in the nuts. And the moment she rose, everyone in the room paused.

“Morning,” she whispered huskily.

“Morning, Aria,” everyone said, waiting for her to freak out over her markings or the boxing match in the room. Her fingers slid to her neck, and she smiled, slowly stretching to yawn.

The room went silent as we waited for the hysterics or some indication that she realized the mark’s meaning. Instead, she smiled, pulling the sheet up tightly around her body. Her teeth worried her lip as her smile dropped, and her eyes closed.

“Please tell me you didn’t bury Aine. She isn’t dead.” Copyright 2016 - 2024