Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,175

its girth. She straddled Lennox, lowering her lips to kiss his chest and purred softly, soothing the beast while he waited patiently to see if she denied him.

“You’re going to hurt me, Lennox. It’s okay,” she whispered, lifting her eyes to hold his as she pushed him against her opening. I shivered as I felt her tight opening against the throbbing organ that was slowly being slid over her arousal.

“You’re made for me, Aria. Your hips spread to take me. We will fit. I promise you that.”

Her glowing eyes smiled as she lifted, giving him a bird’s-eye view of her tiny opening. Aria glided the tip against her arousal-slick sex, moaning as he watched her through a heavy-lidded stare. She inched Lennox into her body, moaning as her eyes widened. His attention moved from her face to her pussy, watching as she slowly took more of his length. And my gods did it feel good.

I winced as her scream sounded, and before Lennox could move, Aria pushed down further. Lennox gripped her hips, and she grabbed his hands, using them for balance as she slowly lifted. Her eyes held him with a silent plea, and I purred loudly while he rattled. She didn’t try to escape it, or what she knew had to be done to appease him.

Aria was glorious while she slowly moved further down the thickness he wielded. And although the sensation was muted for me, I could still feel the warm caresses of her body as we slid in and out of her arousal-coated core. Her eyes lowered, and a shudder of unease vibrated through her as the walls of her channel clamped down, trying to force us out.

“You’re beautiful,” Lennox crooned, and yet his eyes weren’t on her face. It was on her body that was slowly taking more of us. Fucking pervert was single-minded when his dick came out to play. “Take it, woman, or I’ll be compelled to make you.”

“Working on it, asshole,” she growled, pushing her body down a little further while he smiled with pride. I chuckled until she slammed down, and her entire body shook from the pain.

“Bloody hell, did you see that?” I demanded, hearing him chuckle while he took in how far her body was stretched to take us. “Help her! She’s in pain.”

“Look at you fucking me, woman. You’re a Queen of Beasts. You’re my monster, aren’t you, pretty girl?”

Her head dropped back as another scream tore from her throat. I shuddered, experiencing Lennox’s pleasure, watching the tiny woman taking me in beast form. Her pussy was stretched until it was red, and her scream was tortured. Lennox purred, and more purrs sounded, alerting us to the men just outside the room.

He started to pull back, allowing me to surface until she rolled her hips slowly. Lennox slammed me back, and he growled huskily, reaching up to cup her breasts with clawed hands. She didn’t recoil from the nails that terrified my enemies. Instead, Aria held his hands to her breasts while she slowly rocked against the inhuman organ she’d forced into her body. Aria lifted, shocking us both as she slowly slid back down, burying us deep within her body. She leaned over and kissed his chest as she peered into our eyes.

“I’m going to need you to stop being a lazy prick and fuck me like an animal, bastard. My pussy aches, and I need you to man-the-fuck-up right now.”

Lennox smiled, but it wasn’t friendly. He sat up, uncaring that she was seated on his cock. Fingers dug into her thighs, pushing them against her shoulders before slamming home in her pussy. Lennox was thrusting in and out of her body like a well-oiled machine. She moaned then purred loudly, her body bucking while she fucked him back.

Aria floored me, taking Lennox in his form without breaking. She wasn’t backing down, and she’d fucking taunted him into going hard. He released her legs, lowering his mouth to sink his teeth into her throat, laughing as her body combusted with an orgasm that made her motions frenzied and unhinged. Her eyes closed, and her body tightened as the orgasm continued to rip through her, causing me to shudder from the sensation. Lennox didn’t hold back, slamming against her even though he took up every ounce of space she had. Her body sucked us off, clamping and clenching down as he threw his head back, rattling to bow her back in submission.

Her pupils fully dilated, and golden stars Copyright 2016 - 2024