Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,174

kept silent. “So pretty and soft, mate,” he chuckled darkly, leaning down to lick her rose-colored nipple before he slid his mouth to the underside of it, sinking his teeth in as she whimpered, lifting her legs to spread them for him.

“Don’t do this to her. Look at her, Lennox. She’s human and breakable. Aria isn’t Ember and cannot take you in her human form. You’ll hurt her too badly.”

“You are mine. You know that, don’t you?” Lennox whispered, watching as she rocked her body, flooring me while her eyes grew heavily hooded with lust.

Fingers slid down her body, pushing against the sore flesh that I’d fucked for days. Her moan caused his eyes to narrow, and I prepared to fight Lennox to protect her from him.

Lennox stood, shucking my armor from our body while he watched her, ensuring she didn’t try to escape him. Aria didn’t. She stared down at my cock, enhanced by Lennox’s form, and her eyes went wide as she held her breath. After a moment, she shifted on the bed, sitting up to remove the shambles of her dress.

Panic and terror oozed from her pores, betraying the silent strength she showed outside. I prayed inwardly that Ember took control to spare Aria the pain of the mating, yet her eyes never turned electric blue, signaling that Ember was in the driver’s seat.

Lennox shed the remainder of my clothes, moving to sit on the bed with Aria as her eyes grew round in fear. He smiled, inhaling her enticing scent that filled the room. He craved her fear, but he zeroed in on the arousal her body created. I groaned, knowing how addicting her smells were. No one had ever drawn me to them with their scent, but hers drove me bug-fuck-crazy with the need to drink it in.

“Give me control, and I will get her to open her womb, Lennox,” I pleaded, needing to spare Aria from being ripped apart by his savagery. “Don’t do this, Lennox. If you do this, and she accepts your claim, you will ruin any chance of her ever having a babe.”

“I have not given life to another, asshole.”

“We created Sven!” I snapped harshly, listening as he chuckled.

Lennox gripped Aria’s throat, forcing her eyes to lock with his as they turned the most beautiful color of blue I’d ever seen before, filling with golden flecks that mirrored flakes of gold in a pan. His mouth brushed against her lips, covered in her blood. He purred against them, closing his eyes as Ember made the feminine version of it against them, moving her ass as if he were already within her tight folds.

“Who are you?” Ember whispered, and my heart stopped cold.

I hesitated, shocked that Ember would know the one question that would begin the mating vows. “Do not do this, Lennox. Liliana was our mate!”

I frantically tried to take control, but Lennox pushed me even further to the back of my mind as he recited the ancient declarations that our kind would bestow upon their mate. When he finished, Lennox lowered closer to Aria’s face, and I saw that Ember was still in control. Smiling, he asked, “Who are you?”

I frowned from within him as her lips parted, and my heart hammered. Her hand lifted, fingers curling around my cheek as her features softened, and a smile graced her lips just before she answered Lennox’s declaration with her own. I couldn’t hear past the blood roaring in my ears as Aria whispered her vows to Lennox. How many times had I whispered the promise vows to Liliana, who had never felt the compulsion to speak them back? Aria shouldn’t even know the vow, let alone feel the compulsion to say the words back to us.

Lennox moved onto the bed, but Aria sat up, pushing him away. Fear snaked through me; his anger at her denial to take what he felt was his was dangerous. I didn’t have the control to protect her from him, and I felt him shoving me away as he growled angrily.

Aria purred softly, shoving him to the bed before she straddled his hips. My eyes widened as she reached back, stroking the large cock he’d lengthened. It wasn’t going to fit into her tight body, and it didn’t matter how much arousal Ember added. Lennox wouldn’t fit without her hips spreading for him.

He watched her through narrowed eyes, his purr sounding while she worked his cock with her tiny hand, unable to close her fingers around Copyright 2016 - 2024