Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,153

his, noting the heat burning within them. I walked to the table with Knox, avoiding eye contact. Slowly, I sat in the chair opposite of him, worrying my lip before I reached for the bowl in front of me, his eyes narrowing on it.

“That’s the fertility water,” he announced when my mouth reached the rim.

“Oh.” I set it carefully back on the table, watching his lips curve into a smile.

“Are you’re nervous?” Knox noted the way my hands fidgeted in front of me. I searched his eyes before turning away, staring at the candle that flickered across the room. “You promised to let your walls down tonight, Aria.”

“And you promised me no ghosts.” I placed my hands into my lap, meeting his stare. “You also showed me there’s no honor among enemies. You got what you wanted, Knox. Here I am, at your mercy. Do with me what you will.”

He snorted before sliding his eyes to the chest, tightening his mouth. His eyes lifted to the ceiling, and he slowly exhaled. He leaned forward abruptly, folding his hands in front of him on the table as he smiled.

“You are at my mercy, wife. I got exactly what I wanted tonight. I got the prettiest little monster I have ever set eyes on as my bride. Did I use malicious means to get you? Yes, and I am not sorry for doing it. Dimitri was a snake in your nest, and he’d have turned on you the first opportunity he got. I needed eyes on your sisters because I couldn’t take mine off of you. I get that you’re angry. I understand you more than you think I do. I know you, woman.”

“You don’t know anything about me.” I glared at him, lifting the glass before me, inhaling the delicious scent of the whiskey.

“Nothing?” he laughed huskily, a wicked smile curling his lips.

“You know what I allow you to, Knox.”

He sat back in his chair, running his thumb over his bottom lip. Leaning forward once more, he tapped the table with his knuckles. “You chew that bottom lip when you’re nervous and when your mind is working on a problem you need to solve. You’ve been hurt too many times by people who were supposed to protect you and love you, so you built walls around yourself because you don’t want anyone to get too close to you. You don’t even allow your own family to know who you are because you’re terrified of the creature within you. You cry when something is beautiful because you’re unable to hide your most basic responses. You cry every time I am within you and make you come. You can’t hide your emotions because you feel everything so deeply that it hurts. You hold everyone at arm’s length because letting them get too close will make you vulnerable.”

I chewed my lip, causing him to smile. Knox tilted his head as my mouth opened to speak, but he held up his finger.

“You’re selfless to a fault. You’d end your own life if you thought it would save another, and that terrifies me. You married me because I merely threatened your bloodline. If someone else had gotten to them first and made you an offer for their life, you wouldn’t have thought twice about doing whatever they’d asked of you. They’d have demanded your life for theirs, and you would have paid that price. I took that choice away from you today when I gave you my name. It may not protect you from being hurt or abused, but no one alive will ever sexually assault you, rape you, or murder you because of my name. I didn’t have to marry you. I wanted to because you’re right; you’ve been through hell since entering this world. You’re this beautiful, innocent creature who the world would see ruined. I am no better because I want to destroy you. I don’t want to hurt you or abuse you, Aria. I want to destroy you in the worst way that ends with you screaming my name and crying those pretty tears you shed while coming undone around me.”

I opened my mouth, but he held up his hand again, smirking as I closed it once more. “I know you better than you think I do.”

“So maybe you know more than a little bit,” I whispered thickly, lifting my drink as he shook his head. “No?”

“I’m not finished, wife.”

“I know you hate the sickly sweet bitterness of wine and prefer whiskey. Copyright 2016 - 2024