Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,152

night. I spun in a circle in a crowd of people celebrating, but I’d never felt more alone in my entire life. Standing on my tiptoes, I searched for someone I recognized and could engage in conversation.

Giving up my search, I started toward the bridal room again, only for Knox to step in front of me. I gasped and grabbed for my heart, staring at him through sad eyes. His hand slowly lifted, and fingers trailed down my cheek as he leaned forward, brushing his lips against my ear.

“You are so beautiful, Aria,” he whispered huskily. “Tonight, you shine brighter than the stars could ever dream of burning. You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen, or will ever see in my life, Queen Karnavious.” Knox swallowed, leaning back as his eyes searched mine.

“Is this where I swoon at your feet, King Karnavious?” I whispered, watching his lips form a devastating smile.

“You’re not the type of woman to swoon,” he laughed, which was a carefree side of him that disarmed me. His eyes slid to the cabin, frowning before he smirked, holding out his hand. “Come. It’s time for you to prepare to receive me before the moon sinks beneath the mountains, wife.”

Siobhan and Soraya bowed to Knox, smiling as I moved toward them. Soft rose petals covered the ground in front of the small, stone cabin where I’d be spending the first night as Knox’s wife. Nervousness rushed through me, causing my palms to sweat as I took one last glance back at Knox, who watched Siobhan and Soraya drag me into the bridal room with a wicked smile on his generous mouth. His eyes burned with a hunger he wasn’t even trying to hide, which sent a storm of emotions coursing through me.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Inside the cabin, I paused. Candles were lit in sconces on the walls, rose petals covered the floor and bed, and black roses from the Dark Mountains sat on the bedside table. I inhaled their heady scent greedily, turning as the women entered. Smirking, Siobhan, and Soraya prepared the room, pouring drinks as they watched me.

“Would you like us to remove your dress?” Siobhan asked.

“It is a custom,” Soraya amended.

“Who’s custom?” I asked, knowing Knox was listening outside the door where I’d left him.

“Theirs,” Soraya stated, and I smiled.

“Leave it on.” They smiled as they bowed, exiting the room silently.

Knox leaned against the door, grinning. He studied me as I walked to the black roses, plucking one from the vase to push against my nose. I closed my eyes, and a moan of pleasure escaped past my lips.

“I’m glad you like them.” Knox went to the chest as I spun, following his movements, greedily inhaling the rose’s fragrance.

He silently opened the chest before staring down at the picture of his family. Knox’s eyes lifted to mine, and I swallowed past the unease I felt knowing where he gazed. I placed the rose back on the small stone stand beside the bed, exhaling slowly. I continued looking away from him, and my heart began thundering in my chest as if it would break free and fly away.

The sound of the chest lid closing forced my hand to move to the back of my neck. Brushing my fingers against the skin, I fought to calm the storm crashing through my insides. I could feel Knox watching me, fighting his emotions for the family he’d lost and the woman he just married. Like his people, he hated me and everything I was, other than the creature that lived within me.

My hands trembled, fighting the thickness swelling in my throat. Tears pricked my eyes as I considered what I’d just done. I’d married a monster that held more power than anyone else living within the Nine Realms. And I’d just signed my soul over to the devil himself, which hadn’t been part of my plan.

Swallowing past the uneasiness tightening my chest with apprehension, I frowned, calculating how fucked up tonight was about to go with Knox behind me, watching me fight my internal idiocy by marrying him. I lowered my eyes to the rose, which lay crumpled on the stone bedside table from being touched. I had never felt more connected to anything in my life before.

“Aria?” Knox whispered against my ear, causing me to jump. His hands captured my shoulders, holding me in place as he chuckled huskily. “Come drink with me, wife.”

I nodded, turning to find him stripped down to his slacks. My eyes met Copyright 2016 - 2024