Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,147


“Would you give me the honor of walking you to your husband, Aria?” he asked softly, swallowing hard while taking in my simple appearance. “I know it’s reserved for a father or a male relation, but considering your line is all women, I figured you might honor me with the right to take you to Knox.”

I slipped my hand into the crook of his arm, leaning over to brush a kiss against his cheek. “I would love that, Greer.”

We walked down the aisle between the groom’s and bride’s sides, which felt like a slap in the face. I didn’t begrudge the people for not sitting on the Hecate side of the seating, considering most of them had been harmed by us one way or another. My eyes continually moved to where my sisters would have been, had they been here, feeling their vacant seats to my soul.

At the altar, Greer walked me up the stone stairs and left me to stand in front of Knox, whose eyes searched my face. Sliding to the emptiness of my side, he nodded to the crowd who moved to fill some seats as a show of solidarity. It did little to ease the fact that I was all alone here. Knox continued staring at me as he whispered, “Wow,” loudly, shaking his head before the druid stepped forward. Or at least I assumed he was a druid.

“We gather here today to unite two kingdoms into one,” the druid announced.

My eyes rose to the skies, watching thousands of ravens flying through the valley, creating a shadow over the sun. They dropped petals from their claws, raining roses down over us from high in the sky. It was beautiful and unexpected, causing tears to burn in my throat.

“They’re a bit early,” Knox whispered, smirking at me as I continued watching them until they vanished in the distance.

My eyes slid back to him, listening as the druid spoke in Knox’s language with somberness. Sliding my attention away from his once more, I turned to the mountain where the sun was setting behind the high peaks, creating dazzling hues of red, orange, and violet where the pass to Norvalla sat. Tears pricked my eyes at the beauty that it held, calling me toward it with something more profound than I understood.

“Aria,” Knox whispered, forcing my attention back to him. The tears found a passage to run down my cheeks. He swallowed hard with a worried look in his sea-blue depths. Purring softly, he stepped forward, grabbing my hands before I had a chance to wipe away the tears.

Brander stepped forward with a blade, causing my eyes to widen as he slit a tiny cut into both of Knox’s hands before doing the same to mine. The druid continued speaking, but I wasn’t supposed to be able to understand his words. They spoke of binding bloodlines, which almost stole a grunt from my lips. They bound our hands together next, with vibrant silks that matched the crowns on our heads.

Knox’s eyes slid to the pulse hammering at the base of my throat. The nervous energy within me was coming to the surface, and no matter how much I tried to conceal it, it wouldn’t go away. Brander securely tied the knot around our hands. Leaning over, he kissed my cheek before the druid uniting us in marriage spoke in a language I could acknowledge.

“With this knot, I bind these two houses. With this knot, I bind man and woman in soul and magic. I bind their kingdoms into one. I bind a king and his queen for eternity or until death takes one from the other.” I flinched at his words, which made Knox’s eyes narrow on me. My chest rose and fell, noting the crowd had laughed at the words. “If anyone disagrees with this union, speak now and be heard, or hold your tongue always and forevermore.”

“Aria, look at me,” Knox instructed, but I couldn’t. My lips trembled, and my heart sank to my feet. I yanked on my hands, but he held them, tightening his hold. Purring started from the surrounding men, yet it did little to stop the panic coursing through me. “Breathe, Little Monster. It’s okay,” Knox whispered. Stepping closer to me, as he leaned his forehead against mine, shielding the tears that flowed from my cheeks to drip from my face.

“I can’t,” I whispered, knowing I was about to ruin everything. I couldn’t get air into my lungs, and everything was happening too Copyright 2016 - 2024