Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,146

dark witches planted his wife, your life will be in danger of the rage he’ll unleash onto us all for their crimes. Rumor has it, your grandmother played a huge part in the young king’s life, and when he wouldn’t bend to her will, she forced him to do so without his knowledge. Liliana opened trade between the realms, beseeching her husband to help her own family. Liliana’s siblings disagreed, but Knox opened it and allowed trading to happen because he couldn’t deny her anything. Hecate achieved her goals through his bride.”

“Because what Hecate wants, the goddess gets,” Soraya finished for Siobhan, causing my eyes to close.

“So she does,” I frowned, standing to slip into the undergarments that had been placed on the small table.

My hair was styled and piled onto my head with flowers poking out around the crown of the Nine Realms. The dress was a work of art, with an open back and swooping neckline that exposed the curve of both breasts. I’d voiced concerns about my girls making an untimely appearance, but Siobhan had scoffed at my worry, reminding me it was Beltane.

I hadn’t added jewels or family heirlooms or adorned my body in crystals or other enhancements. Knox was getting me and only me. My stomach clenched, knowing that I was about to marry Knox Karnavious, King of the Nine Realms, and the asshole who enjoyed playing with my emotions.

“Blessed be, Aria Primrose Karnavious, High Queen of the Nine Realms,” Siobhan whispered, stepping out of the tent as she opened it to reveal colorful rose petals for my bare feet to pass over. Soraya and Siobhan both held the tent flaps open, bowing low at the waist while I struggled to contain the urge to run away from what was coming.

Squaring my shoulders and calming my heart, I passed through the entrance. The moment I had, witches tossed petals onto my path, covering the earth with them for me to step over. Candles were lit through the pathway, but no magic was used to ignite them. I proceeded until I was at the end of the long, red carpet covered with white rose petals.

My eyes slid over the guests, noting they all stared at me, and yet none stood as was customary. Panic ripped through me, and I stepped back as the witches murmured, mentioning the slight. Siobhan and Soraya stepped up, both blocking my exit. Their hands touched mine in silent comfort, and I turned, slowly taking in the empty side of the ceremony, traditionally reserved for the bride’s friends and family. Not a single person had sat there to show support. My heartbeat echoed in my ears as the ravens within me flapped their wings rapidly, feeling as if they would break free.

Knox’s eyes turned and locked with mine, and everything fell away around me. A blush filled my cheeks at the look that met and held mine. His mouth curved into a smile that wasn’t faked or designed. There was wonder in his eyes as he took in my simple appearance, foregoing the jewels and other things he’d left in the tent from which I could choose.

His gaze slowly traveled down the silver dress I wore. My shoulders were naked of adornments, with no royal house symbol on them to declare my bloodline. No makeup covered my face because I didn’t need it to enhance my beauty, just me in my skin. Knox got what he wanted, me with nothing else between us. Well, other than the dress. I’d even chosen to come to the wedding bare-footed, something witches of the lower class within the realms did. It wasn’t for him, though. It was a nod to those within the camp he’d saved, showing them I was one of them.

I felt Knox’s heat from his intense stare, and mine gradually settled on him in his finery. He was dressed in a white shirt with his cloak hanging over one shoulder. Silver chains held it clasped in place, while a crown of onyx and blue gems, seated in silver, sat on his head, marking him as King. He looked as if they had plucked him from another place and time. He was the perfect image of what a king should be and look like. Even through his shirt, I could see the strength his body promised and the pleasure only it could give me.

Little girls moved in front of me, slowly tossing flowers into the air while Greer stepped forward, offering me his Copyright 2016 - 2024