Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,144

approval of our union.

“You seduced a deity right out of his heart, Aria.”

“Technically, I ripped it out because the scent I placed on you held me here for you. It wouldn’t allow Bel to paint an illusion, rendering me unaware of who he really was. Had you not accepted my gift, I’d be fucking him while you watched. Neither of us could have done anything to prevent it from happening had you declined what I offered. He’d have looked like you and be everything I ever wanted,” I swallowed, mentally kicking myself for saying that to him.

His smile blinded me, striking me stupider than I already was around him. He yanked me into his arms, lifting me and jumping to the ground while he held me. His men watched us closely as he exited the circle and placed me onto my feet.

“Begin preparing my bride to marry me. I’d like to get it over with before she changes her mind again,” Knox stated, kissing me softly before his mouth touched my shoulder, slowly sliding to my throat as he growled hungrily. “I want to hear her purring beneath me before the moon rises tonight.”

“Wait, Knox,” I whispered, turning as the crystals embedded in the valley hummed with power. “Watch,” I urged, sucking my lip between my teeth as a smile played on my face. Knox wasn’t watching the valley. His attention was on my face and the wonder playing over it as the valley changed and became an ethereal place.

“It’s exquisite,” he swallowed, never removing his eyes from my face.

The entire valley glowed with Beltane’s power, fed with sexual vibes that flowed through the people. Knox whispered his approval by lowering his mouth against my shoulder, kissing it softly with a gentle purr that had mine echoing his.

Fire quartz pulsed while shining rainbow-colored light into the carnelian. The scent of roses filled the air, drifting on a subtle breeze. The air heated, and people cheered as the Beltane Circle came to life. It glowed with power and approval from Bel, fueling the world with fertility and the heat of the coming summer. The bonfires leaped higher, and the orange runes of the stone circles pulsed, glowing as they grew taller to honor the May King and Queen with the raw sexuality of Beltane.

“Blessed Beltane, My King for the night,” I uttered, slipping out of his grasp. I allowed the witches to guide me toward the blessing tent where they would dress me to marry the High King of Nine Realms.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

The witches directed me into a large tent that smelled of roses. They filled it with burning candles and crystals that made rainbow prisms on the walls of the tent. Soraya and Siobhan both ushered me into the bath, stripping my body of the outfit I’d worn to lure Bel to his untimely demise. Once inside the bathtub, I released the uneasy breath I’d held.

“You removed Bel’s heart!” Siobhan exclaimed excitedly, causing me to jump at her sudden outburst. “You kissed him as his blood sprayed from his mouth. It is unheard of to best him, and you made him look like he was a newly born babe.”

Turning toward her, I lifted a brow. Her eyes were filled with excitement and awe. Soraya, on the other hand, noted the way I trembled in the bath. My eyes locked with hers, and she slowly moved toward me, handing me the cloth, covered with the scented rose oil.

“You’re not okay with this marriage,” Soraya stated, her tone indicating unease. “He’s forcing you, isn’t he?”

I swallowed, dropping my eyes to my knees before my head slowly nodded once in confirmation. He was, but it wasn’t like I could stop it now. Knox held the cards, and I wasn’t even certain I had been playing the same game.

Siobhan deflated, her eyes sliding to my face. “If we could get you out of here, we would, Aria. They guard every exit against escape or entry by the dark witches. All magic was nullified until tomorrow morning. We thought the precautions were a little strange.”

“Knox would murder you if you helped me escape,” I swallowed, slowly washing the sweat from dancing off of my body.

“If he caught us,” Soraya snorted, dropping rosemary into the tub.

“You’re going to be the first Hecate witch ever to pledge herself to a male for eternity,” Siobhan muttered. “You do know that once you’ve spoken the vows, this cannot be undone, right?”

“I’m aware of the laws and that it is forever.”

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