Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,143

started pulling away. He took me down onto the altar as I continually moved, slowly luring him to me.

The pleasure his body gave was the shit of legends. He could send you into orgasm merely by contact against his skin. He slowly rocked his hips, watching me as if he was trying to place my species.

“You’re a burning fire, Little Silver,” he hissed. Leaning up, he watched me slowly rubbing my body as his eyes heated to pools of liquid gold. “Your flames beckon me. You’re something the world hasn’t seen before, aren’t you?”

Bel fisted his thick cock, watching me with a hypnotic look burning in his gaze. He pushed it against my apex. I fought the lengthening claws that sought to tear loose. He leaned over once more, biting my nipple through the sheer fabric, which caused a cry to escape my lips. I shot up, taking him to the ground onto his back before my mouth crushed against his. He laughed, excited about my need to take him.

Ember purred from within me, but it wasn’t friendly. It was a low warning that radiated through me, exiting my throat. Bel stared up, watching me through narrowed slits. He started to speak, but my hand pushed through his torso, and my fingers wrapped around his throat as a rattle exploded from my chest. I withdrew my hand, holding his heart, and my eyes lifted to the scent, keeping to my wits. Knox was my focus. His blue eyes held mine as Siobhan howled with my victory.

She took the heart from my hand, forcing me to release it to her. I leaned over, claiming Bel’s shocked lips as he gasped for air, coughing up blood.

“Blessed be, Bel. Thank you for Beltane and the coming summer heat. We ask that you bless our wombs and fill them full. I’m sorry, my womb is taken, but I promise you this,” I said, loud enough for Knox to hear. “If my womb isn’t filled by next Beltane, I will be back for your son to grow in my womb. Bless us now, and bless us all, for we wish to be fruitful this Beltane night until fall.”

“You’re a fire, Little Silver. I give you my blessing and pray that your lover is sterile, for I require a rematch next spring. I thought you only pretty. Deadly women are some of the rarest of breeds, for you’ve kissed with fire and used your claws to rip out the heart of a deity. I am impressed. What are you?” he asked, blood dripping from his lips while he searched my face. “You’re one of them. You’re…” he paused, smiling devilishly as he saw the intrigue burning in my stare.

“One of what, Bel?” I whispered.

He smiled, laughing as his body decomposed to nothing but ashes. I growled, lifting my eyes to Knox, who stood right outside the circle, pacing. Brander and Lore were both at his side, watching me. I raised my hand as the scent hit me. Siobhan dropped the circle, and Knox marched through, jumping fluidly onto the altar without invitation. Siobhan cried out, worry etching her face as Knox grabbed me, yanking me against his body.

“You kissed another man,” he hissed.

“I choose you as my King for Beltane,” I whispered thickly, watching as he flinched, realizing what he’d just done. He’d violated my circle of protection, in which the queen held all the power. His hands captured mine, still painted in the blood of the last male who had tried to mate with me.

Knox took me down to the altar, hard. His body pressing against mine as black eyes took over the blue. His teeth grew, and his dark gaze slid to my naked shoulder, where Bel had kissed me. Brander rattled, causing the others to rattle their warning that Knox was trespassing where he shouldn’t be. His mouth crushed against mine the moment my legs wrapped around him, holding him to me, releasing my hands as my words registered through his jealous haze.

Knox lifted away from my mouth, pulling me up with him, smiling wickedly at me. “I’ll be your Beltane King. I’ll also be your husband tonight. You’re my Queen, Aria.”

The crowd erupted into cheers for their King’s prowess of passing through the circle to claim his Queen. Knox yanked me closer, kissing me soundlessly, the crowd’s cheers echoing through the valley. The fires leaped high into the air, burning greater as the sun came out to bathe our flesh with Bel’s Copyright 2016 - 2024