Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,137

Knox pushed into my body deeper, watching as we trembled around him. Ember rocked my hips while he watched us, trying to get off on his thick, hard tip. “That’s right. You need that, don’t you? This body knows who it belongs to, and tonight, I intend to prove it to you until you crave nothing else.”

“You won’t get our womb, stupid male.”

“Aria,” Knox whispered, resting his forehead against mine, watching me fight for control of my body. I lifted my hips to seat him deeper, but he laughed huskily, lifting his body to prevent it from happening.

Knox grabbed my hands, holding them above my head. He stared down my body, noting the blood covering it from the witches who’d tried to murder me. His free hand slid between my thighs, slowly running his fingertips against my entrance.

“Knox,” I whispered, noting Ember had vanished, leaving me to deal with the very virile, very aroused male that was slowly torturing me.

My knees parted, and I lifted my ass for his touch. Rocking my core against the pleasure he offered, I moaned loudly, breathlessly. Knox hissed, and his fingers pushed into my body as it clamped down hungrily against him. He spread them within me, chuckling as I gasped and moaned loudly.

I didn’t care what it looked like anymore. He’d edged me to where my body was in control of what it wanted and needed. He leaned his head over, clamping teeth around one pebbled nipple, growling loudly with approval of my reaction to him. A loud popping sound echoed through the room as he released it, withdrawing his fingers, slick with arousal, pushing them into his mouth.

“You taste like heaven, woman,” Knox groaned, releasing my hands as he sat up, pushing the purity gown up to my hips. He slapped my pussy, slowly rubbing his fingers over it, doing it several more times, forcing the pending storm to lessen as pain mingled with intense pleasure. “So fucking wet for me, aren’t you? I’m going to enjoy being your husband and fucking you anytime I want you. You want that too, don’t you? You won’t ever crave anyone else because this pretty naked flesh will be too sore to want for anyone else ever to touch it. That much I can promise you. I intend to stretch your tight body every morning and every night until it fits perfectly for me. I intend to lavish you with pleasure and keep you fed until you’re content.” Knox leaned over and ran his tongue around my swollen clit, never sucking on it because we both knew if he did, I’d come undone with the orgasm he had denied me for far too long.

His tongue slid through my sex, and the noise he made was feral, that of a starving beast that intended to indulge in a feast. “I suggest you get to the cave, get bathed, and seduce a deity so I can fuck you and listen to your noises while I make you my wife tonight. If you open your womb to Bel or fuck him, I’ll rip it out of you, Aria Primrose Hecate. You are mine, and mine alone from this day forward. I will see you in one hour when I join you for our mating bath. You wash me, and I wash you to cleanse ourselves of the past and begin our adventure into our new life together.”

“Wish that it would wash away the past so you could see the future you could have,” I whispered huskily. “Or sage the shit out of your ghosts,” I offered, sitting up to put distance between us.

“As of now, your facade for the people outside this room begins, Aria. Show them you want this, and I’ll reward you tonight. Fight me, and I’ll chain you to this bed and leave you unsatisfied as I fuck you. I am the master of edging your body, but I can also prevent it from reaching climax. Be a good girl for me, and don’t fuck a deity in front of our people, Queen Karnavious.”

“As you wish, Master.”

“Careful, Aria. I like that name from your talented tongue.”

Chapter Thirty-Five

The cave was filled with witches, all of who helped me get ready for the bathing ritual. Each added salt, herbs, and rose oil to my skin, preparing me to enter the water. Rose petals floated above the surface in varying shades of red and orange. They oiled my skin and hair and washed my hair with my shampoo Copyright 2016 - 2024