Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,136

You went to war to remain in control of Lennox because he intended to claim her throat to keep it from ever happening. Tell me, I am wrong. Tell me you didn’t fight the beast to remain in control when those words left her pretty lips, Knox.”

“You’re not wrong. I have placed pieces onto the board to ensure that doesn’t happen. Today Aria becomes my wife and will never know another lover because of it. Aria isn’t wrong. She’s a forever kind of woman. She’ll be my forever, and I will promise to be patient and provide everything she needs that I can give her. I won’t be able to love her, but I will cherish her and give her all of me that is left to give. Do you hear me, Aria? Because I know you can hear us. I will cherish you and always pick you up when you fall. I will protect you from your enemies and keep you satisfied with anything you want. I will marry you tonight as the sun sets. I will lay you down on a bed of roses and cherish every inch of you, and you will give me your womb to fill.”

“If your little swimmers don’t swim, we will find someone who can give us a child. I will be a mother, Knox. Lennox will give us a child, or he will release me to find another who can breed our womb. If I were you, I’d try to get through to Aria because I won’t open it unless she agrees to let you that deep into her body. You have twenty-four hours until the window on creating life ends, and if you fail, know that I will take control and find another monster that will. That’s not a threat. That’s a fact, stupid male. Aria and I want a babe, so either you put one in us, or we will find another who can. Brander, Killian, and Aden are all compatible with our womb, and they could mate us too. You think we can only mate once because your brain is slow. Some of our ancestors could mate more than once, helping our species to populate the world, and we are them. Your parents hid secrets from you, but Hecate knew what you were. Why do you think she fought so hard to claim you? When that failed, she removed the one thing that you loved most in the world from your life? Because broken things don’t fight well, and they mess up. She knew broken things don’t stop to think anything through. She also cursed your people so they couldn’t breed. Why? Because you will create the monsters that end this war, but only with us,” Ember whispered, nipping his lip before releasing more scent that caused Knox’s eyes to grow hooded.

“You’re wrong, Ember.”

“Am I? It terrifies and excites you at the idea of Aria swelling and growing round with your child within her, doesn’t it?”

He searched my face, lowering his mouth to my shoulder slowly. His cock slid over the exposed flesh of our apex, gliding over the slick arousal before he chuckled darkly. Teeth skimmed over the place his mark had once been, and he nipped against it without breaking the surface.

“Keep threatening Lennox with opening your womb for another man, and he will rip it out before he ever allows another to breed you. He is watching you as we speak, counting down the minutes until Aria is beneath us, screaming our name as she comes undone for us. I’m going to fuck her so hard that it imprints my name on her soul, and she feels me for eternity. You forget, your host is mine as you are Lennox’s now. You are strong, but I am stronger. You’re smart and conniving, but you now know that I have been ahead of you every step of the way.” Knox lifted, rubbing his cock against my opening, and Ember moaned, pushing the generous tip into my body as he purred, forcing me to make the same soothing sound.

“You want that, don’t you, Little Monster? You want all of me buried deep into this body that knows it belongs to me. I promise to destroy you tonight and to make you come until the only fucking words you can whisper are my name, and yes, please. I am the monster others fear. The strongest alpha within the Nine Realms, and tonight, Aria, you become my wife for eternity.” Copyright 2016 - 2024