Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,124

and ice quartz beneath the surface. Moving to the water, I kicked off my slippers to test the temperature, which was heated and perfect for bathing. I turned, smiling at Knox as he watched me with a fire burning in his gaze.

Knox secured two candles, smirking impishly, and I slowly made my way to where he stood, waiting. He lit his candle from the largest one that flooded the cave. Leaning closer to the large candle placed on the altar, he ignited the wick before holding his candle out to ignite mine.

“Tomorrow, Aria, you’ll become my wife.”

“So I will,” I murmured softly, watching him move to the side so I could add my flame to his. “Are you asking them to bless our wedding for fertility or victory in the upcoming war?” I asked carefully, a guarded look in my eyes as he smiled tightly.

“I am asking them for you to be happy with what I can offer you and that you’ll be satisfied during our marriage.” His eyes held mine, noting the tears that swam within them.

Stepping forward, I lit the candle, turning to watch the blessing spell ignite on the walls. The cave became even more illuminated, creating an enticingly seductive setting. Smaller torches burned around the water, lighting the way into a tunnel that fed the pool. I ducked, staring into the lit passageway before looking to Knox, finding something very masculine obstructing my view.

“What did you ask of the gods?” he asked softly, his eyes studying mine.

“To heal you from your pain. To ease your internal wounds and grief.”

“You asked them to heal me, instead of to bless your womb you want to fill with a babe?” he questioned, swallowing hard.

“Some things are more important than what we want most. So we make sacrifices, and we put others before ourselves.”

Standing, I allowed my hungry eyes to feast on Knox’s muscular form. Turning away, I slowly stripped out of the dress I’d worn for days, covered in sweat, dirt, and dust, accumulated from traveling across strange lands and winding roads.

We were so close to Norvalla that I could taste the change in the climate. I felt the air growing thinner and noted the animals were becoming wilder and more primal. As we continued toward it, the siren’s song singed my blood, igniting a fire that I couldn’t ignore inside of me.

“How many days until we reach Norvalla?” I dropped the gown, stepping out of it and folding it. I turned, finding Knox mere inches from me. He smirked, dropping his gaze to my nakedness.

“Are you in a hurry to get to your new home, Little Monster?” he asked softly.

“Norvalla isn’t my home, nor will it ever be, Knox. Home is where the people you love are, and there’s no one inside Norvalla who cares if I live or die.”

I swallowed past the lump those words caused, heading toward the pool to escape his gaze. I silently made my way down the ancient stairs leading into the pool, pausing once I was waist-deep in the water. Knox picked me up and pushed me against the side of the pool, glaring up at me as I repeatedly swallowed, trying to keep the tears from breaking free.

“I will make it your home. I do care that you live, Aria. You’re not just a weapon. You’re this beautiful thing filled with chaos that turns me inside out. I know that I am hard to deal with. My cracks are many, and my edges are more than jagged, often cutting deeply. I know you want me, and I want you. That’s more than most kings and queens have before entering a marriage agreement. I know I will please you in bed and that you will please me greatly in return. I’m taking everything you have ever wanted away from you, and I don’t like myself for doing it. I expected to feel a victory over you, but you went and fucking cried and fucked that up. I hate your tears because I feel them in my soul, and I know I can’t change direction. I can’t undo what I started for you. I made a vow to my wife that I would bring the witches to their knees, and I fully intend to keep that promise.”

“If you hate it so much, stop it from happening, Knox. Don’t marry me for who you think I will become. We both deserve more than that.”

“I want to marry you, Aria Primrose Hecate. I want to Copyright 2016 - 2024