Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,123

similar to Stonehenge’s architecture sat throughout the widening valley. Unlike the human version, these rock formations had glowing tips with runes that reflected varying colors, starting at the bottom and rising to the peaks. The pillars sent the power of Beltane rushing through our party, welcoming us for the coming celebration. The largest set of structures sat beneath Bel’s statue, marking it as the most powerful and important of the many circles. Inside the circle sat a raised altar. This altar wasn’t for sacrifices but rather to beckon the deity from his slumber to power the valley and bless unions and couples for fertility.

Knox chuckled, forcing my eyes to slide toward him, where he watched me. “This is amazing.”

“It’s exquisite,” he whispered, but his eyes were on me. His murmured words made my heart race, heating my cheeks with color. “Wait until you see the bathing caves and the beauty they hold.”

Swallowing past the lump in my throat, I frowned before turning to look where loud sounds began echoing through the valley. My body hummed with peace while the singing bowl’s song filled the entire place, cleansing the soul of those entering the valley.

“How does that work?” I asked, noting the people using ropes, dragging their slipper-covered feet over the top of the large rounded rock formation like acrobats.

“I sent men ahead with the witches, blessing the valley for our upcoming nuptials. I know that sage burning and the blessing of the bowls are important to your line. The bowls were also a faster way to cleanse the stones within the valley for Beltane. Usually, we arrive days sooner to prepare the valley for those entering a handfasting on Beltane.”

“Not this time, though, because you were too busy chasing me?” I questioned, turning as the hypnotic sound of the singing bowl increased and my breathing intensified. The vibrations touched my soul, forcing a deep soothing purr to explode from my lips. “Ember approves.”

“I was indeed chasing a rare, prized beauty around the Nine Realms, fully intending to capture her. You were worth the time it took to catch you. Learning you as a person while I followed you was also worth our late arrival.”

His thumb traced small circles over my palm, sending heat rushing through me. I started forward again, lulled into a sense of peace by the deep pulsing hum that vibrated within me until I wanted to lean against Knox and just listen to the singing bowls. The sun continued lowering behind the mountains as stars became visible through the darkening heavens.

Once we were upon the flat ground, Knox pulled me toward the massive stone structure that had steam escaping through a hole in the roof. When we reached it, he smirked, nodding toward the men who watched us silently.

“We will be back in a few hours,” Knox announced, his voice husky with lust.

“If you’re not out within the next few hours, Aria is going to see more of us than she wants,” Brander scoffed, wiping away the sweat on his brow.

“Who says I don’t want to see it all, Brander?” I teased, watching Brander’s lips twitch as Knox gave a loud jealous growl behind me. I winked at Brander as I turned, allowing Knox to pull me through the small, stone entrance.

“You’re pushing my limits, woman.” Knox turned back to look over his shoulder, smiling at me to assure me he wasn’t serious. He pulled me closer, tossing Brander a look of warning before we entered the room, vanishing from their sight.

“I’m glad you noticed,” I admitted, stopping at the first view of the cavern. “Maybe if I push you, you’ll remind me why you keep saying I’m yours.”

“I like this naughty side of you, Aria. The thing is, we must cleanse you before the wedding, which means I can’t touch you yet. There’s also what you said.”

“And what was that?”

“The next man who touches you, and is within your tight body, will be your husband,” Knox pointed out, smiling deviously. “You’re about to marry me, which means I have your permission already.”

“That’s dubious and sneaky, Knox.” Dismissing him, my attention went to the cave, and the air left my lungs on a whispered breath of wonder. “Wow.”

The entire cavern was lit by thousands of tiny lights from a single crystal that sat in front of a torch. I felt the magic within the room slithering against my skin. The sexuality that pulsed through me was heady, driving me toward the crystalline water that exposed the fire Copyright 2016 - 2024