Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,116

of Knox’s armor.

“I don’t wear armor. That stuff cannot be comfortable,” I snorted, grabbing a cloth to wipe the whiskey from the table.

“You have her cleaning your tent already? I am impressed, brother,” Brander chuckled, watching as my eyes narrowed on him, noting he was joking.

“I discussed how I enjoyed her arousal dripping down my chin. Apparently, she isn’t immune to her own medicine of being surprised and choking on drinks.”

“I don’t know, I find it rather refreshing to have a woman hand the king his balls with her wit,” Brander laughed. “Aria has a way with balls, though, doesn’t she?”

I rolled my eyes, fighting the smile that played on my lips as they teased me. I stood, accepting the lightweight armor, and frowned. “It isn’t heavy like yours.” I nibbled my lip, turning to look at Knox, who smirked.

“It’s the armor of the queen. You’ll have an entire set made once we reach Norvalla. You’ll be a battle queen, after all. I won’t chance you being injured or worse.”

“You’re not fully immortal yet, Aria,” Brander pointed out.

“No, I’m not. I’m also not easy to kill, or my mother would have succeeded in one of the many times she tried to murder me.”

“I wish I could bring her back, Aria,” Knox admitted.

“Why the hell would you ever wish to do that?” I countered, staring at Knox, who smiled wickedly back at me.

“To watch you remove her head.”

“That’s actually kind of sweet of you. So, how do I put this stuff on?” Knox smiled as he slid his gaze down my body.

“I’ll help you, Aria,” Brander teased.

“Knox looks for any excuse to touch you, woman. Stop giving it to him and start making him work for it.” Brander laughed as Knox rattled, and Brander rattled right back before ducking out of the tent, still amused.

“He isn’t wrong,” Knox whispered, pulling me against him, reaching for the armor.

“Is that so?” I swallowed hard as heat flooded my core, tightening with need and dark desire, wishing for the release he’d refused to give me.

“Careful,” Knox warned. “Edging you isn’t the easiest thing I’ve ever done. Not when all I want is to be within the heat your body gives me. So behave, because we’re about to slaughter some witches, and it’s our first time working together. Watch my cues and don’t fuck me over. I’m about to trust you with the lives of my brothers the moment we walk onto that battlefield. Which is more than I have ever done in battle for a witch,” he admitted, studying my face.

“Noted, but I actually like your brothers, Knox.” He smiled tightly, staring at me as he lifted the chest plate over my head, sliding it on and adjusting the sides. “How many brothers did you have when this war started?” I asked softly.

“Nineteen,” he swallowed hard, lifting his eyes to hold mine.

“How many are left?” I asked through the tightening in my throat. He lowered his eyes, focusing on the armor while his jaw flexed, and the tic started in it.

“Seven,” he admitted, swallowing audibly before stepping back, turning toward his armor. I followed him, grabbing it before he could.

“I’ll help you into your armor since you helped me into mine.”

“I can do that myself, Aria.”

“I know you can, but I can’t touch you if you’re the one putting it on,” I whispered, chewing my lip while staring at the armor. His fingers clasped my chin, pulling the heavy suit out of my hands. He tossed it aside, lifting me off the floor, before kissing me.

It wasn’t the brutal kiss I was used to from him. Instead, it was soft and meant to curl my toes and create havoc on my emotions. He allowed me to slide down his body, but I rose, nipping his full bottom lip. As I did, a rattle slipped free from my throat, his more dominant one filling the tent over mine, sending a shiver of longing down my spine.

“I’ll set the camp straight on what they’re allowed to call you, Aria.”

“Don’t do that. I will earn the respect of your people on my own, Knox. I don’t need coddling, which I know is why you don’t defend me against your lords. You know I can give them back anything they give me. If you didn’t, you’d defend me. I don’t need it, though. Thank you for noticing that fact about me.”

“There’s a lot I have noticed about you. There is a lot more I’d like to learn without Copyright 2016 - 2024