Ruins of Chaos (Legacy of the Nine Realms #3) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,115

now. Moving to it, I stared at an image, realizing every time he opened it, he was reminded of what he’d lost—his family.

On the inside of the chest was a painted portrait of Knox’s wife, holding their son in her arms. Her eyes sparkled at whatever stood beside the painter. My eyes zeroed in on the amulet she wore, having seen something similar before. I bent, staring at the necklace as fear sliced up my spine. A rattle forced my eyes to lift to the entrance of the tent, finding Knox standing there watching me.

“I’m sorry. It was open already,” I admitted.

Knox moved into the tent, slamming the lid closed. “Keep your fucking nose out of where it doesn’t belong.”

“As you wish,” I said stiffly, moving to the table to pour whiskey into a glass, ignoring him while I swished it in my mouth.

“My dirty little whore?” His tone filled with anger, and I easily dismissed it since I was becoming desensitized to it and him.

“I’m whatever you want me to be. Remember the deal? So far today, your people have called me the king’s whore, his slut, and his personal pleasure pouch, which was my favorite. Oh, and let’s not forget, the vilest Queen of Norvalla to date, who is nothing but a mock queen to be erased from history when my uses run as dry as my body after you’ve finally taken my head. So, at this point, Knox, I honestly don’t care what I get called or what they think. I signed up for it, knowing exactly what I would get in return.”

“You’re not my whore,” he exhaled slowly, moving to the table. “Are you hungry?”

“No,” I replied, polishing off the whiskey. “When do we attack?”

“Within the hour. Are you still weakened?”

“Very much so,” I admitted. “With your cuffs on, it takes me ten times longer to refuel the magic within me. I expelled a lot when I attacked the last keep, raining down hell for your benefit. I’ve had very little time to recoup the magic and won’t be very strong in this fight.”

Knox sat before me, steepling his fingers in front of his mouth, watching me through narrowed eyes. “It’s Liliana and Sven. I was preparing to leave for a meeting of the kings, and she gifted me the chest before I left.”

“It’s a beautiful and thoughtful gift.”

And she was wearing a tonic amulet, which meant it was given as a gift, or she’d acquired it on her own. Most amulets like that were gifts from only the most powerful witches. I hadn’t mastered the ability to place a spell or enchantment into one yet, and I wasn’t a weak witch. However, I kept that knowledge to myself as Knox watched me.

“That’s it? That’s all you have to say about them?” he demanded, sitting back to cross his arms over his chest, stretching out.

“They were beautiful, Knox. He had your eyes. I’m glad you had him for the time you did and very sorry you lost them.” He stared at me, narrowing his eyes slowly. “What do you want me to say here?”

“I don’t know,” Knox admitted, snorting before he eyed the whiskey. “You only poured one glass, woman.”

“Your arms work just fine, Your Majesty.” I watched his lips twitching. “In fact, I happen to know they’re very powerful arms that can hold my weight as you do very naughty things to me.” His lips tipped into a dazzling smile as he laughed, inspecting me.

“Indeed, they are,” he chuckled, grabbing the whiskey and pouring us both drinks.

“Thank you.” I lifted the glass, taking a long pull as he spoke again.

“I enjoy your pussy dripping down my chin, tasting your arousal as I drink your pleasure, woman.”

I choked, spitting whiskey all over him, sputtering much to his amusement. “That was a cheap shot,” I complained, rubbing my nose where it burned.

“Yeah, but it turned you on, didn’t it? I can smell it on you. Your body responds to the sound of my voice when I am aroused. Mine does the same with yours as if we’re highly aware of the other’s needs.”

I blushed, watching his smile lift across his mouth. Knox moved to the front of the tent as Brander’s voice announced his presence. I studied how Brander entered, inhaling, then stepping back as if he, too, could discern the state of my body by scent, guarding his reaction to me.

“This is all I could find on short notice,” Brander stated, holding out a miniature version Copyright 2016 - 2024