Rubbing One Out - Susan Mac Nicol Page 0,24

the guy who owns the antiques place—that I’d accompany him to a gay club in Winchester.”

Dae narrowed his eyes. “You have a date?” He wasn’t sure he liked that idea. Who was this upstart Ryan anyway in Ben’s life?

“Oh God, no,” Ben said quickly. “Ryan’s too young for me. He’s new in the gay club scene so I said I’d go with him, put him at ease.”

“Yeah, and the fact he wants into your pants isn’t a consideration?” Hemmy guffawed as he wrapped his woolly scarf around his neck, looking as if he was going on an Arctic expedition. “You could tap that, man, and he’d be quite happy.”

Tap that? What the hell did that mean? Dae frowned. “Tap what?”

Ben went a bright red. “It’s slang. It doesn’t matter what it means, it won’t be happening.”

Hemmy gave another deep bellow of laughter. “You don’t know what tapping someone is?” His face crinkled mischievously. “It means bang him, show him the sausage, get into his pants, have sex.”

Dae’s temper rose. “Really?” he drawled silkily. “Ben, you know you’re welcome to bring anyone home when you need to ‘tap them.’ Don’t let me stand in your way.” He had no idea why the idea of Ben having sex with anyone else enraged him so. He’d been living with Ben for less than a week. “Put a scarf or something on the door so I know not to barge in the next morning with your coffee. I’d hate to interrupt you mid-coitus.”

Ben scowled and cast a fierce glance at a still-amused Hemmy. “Weren’t you leaving?” he growled at his friend. “There will be no tapping going on anytime soon, so both of you, let it go.” He hustled Hemmy towards the door. “Always a pleasure, Hem,” he huffed. “I believe your bed is calling.”

Ben opened the door and pushed his friend out into the cold. “Drive safely and see you at work Thursday.”

Hemmy waved at them. “Will do. Great meeting you, Daniel. See you soon.” He strolled down the garden path and out onto the pavement. They watched him get into his car and drive away, then Ben pulled the door shut. He began picking up all the empty food cartons and glasses while Dae assisted.

“I meant what I said,” Dae muttered. “I don’t want to be an intrusion. If you ever want to bring a guy home, don’t let me stop you.” Even though it will piss the hell out of me, and I might turn the man into a cockroach. Dae still had enough magic left in him to accomplish that feat, although he preferred not to waste it. It was a limited resource, especially here on earth.

“I told you, I have no intention of bringing anyone home.” Ben ran hot water into the sink. “I’m quite happy with things the way they are.”

“Hmm.” Dae wasn’t convinced. He was finding his current state of celibacy a bit of an issue and surely Ben was feeling the same? Back in Calado’r, there’d been so many men for Dae to choose from he’d been spoilt for choice. Truth be told, he’d been rather a man-slut in the lamp, fucking anything he fancied, anything to take his mind off Aether and his betrayal.

Dae picked up a dishcloth with distaste. Wasn’t this what dishwashers were made for? It was so plebian to have to physically touch dirty dishes to wash and dry them. He picked up a plate daintily and inspected it for food debris before conceding it was clean and running the dry cloth over it. In Calado’r, he’d never had to worry about things like this.

Yes, the little voice in his head said. And in Calado’r you didn’t have a sexy human man like Ben to share space with. Admit it. You enjoy having him around because he’s different to all the sycophants you were used to in the lamp. They were only interested in trying to get free wishes and sleep with a Djinn. They’d suck you off for a promise of riches, fancy new clothes, and luxurious homes. Ben isn’t like that.

“Penny for your thoughts,” Ben murmured as he picked up a dishcloth and finished drying the dishes. “You looked as if you were contemplating the woes of the world there for a minute.”

Dae huffed. “I was wondering why you don’t have a dishwasher. This sort of activity makes my hands terribly dry and does awful things to my nail polish.”

Ben snorted. “That’s what you were thinking about? From the pensive Copyright 2016 - 2024